Robotics and jobs confidence interval using software. Figure 8.1 shows a spreadsheet for the robotics and jobs example that could be used as input for statistical software. Note that there are 1896 experts who expressed an opinion in this example. The sheet specifies a value for each of these 1896 cases: there are 910 cases with the value Yes and 986 cases with the value No. An alternative spreadsheet would not summarize the responses but rather would list all 1896 cases with the response for each case.

FIGURE 8.1 The robotics and jobs data in an Excel spreadsheet for the confidence interval, Example 8.3.

Figure 8.2 gives output from JMP and Minitab for these data. There are differences in the displays, but it is easy to find the 95% confidence interval. For JMP, the confidence interval is on the line with “Level” equal to Yes under the headings “Lower CI” and “Upper CI.” Minitab gives the output in the form of an interval under the heading “95% CI.” Notice that the confidence intervals are similar but not identical. Minitab notes that the Normal approximation is used. This is the large-sample method that we described. JMP notes that an alternative method, using score functions, is used.


FIGURE 8.2 (a) JMP and (b) Minitab output for the robotics and jobs survey, Example 8.3.