Planning a survey of students. A large university is interested in assessing student satisfaction with the overall campus environment. The plan is to distribute a questionnaire to an SRS of students, but before proceeding, the university wants to determine how many students to sample. The questionnaire asks about a student’s degree of satisfaction with various student services, each measured on a five-point scale. The university is interested in the proportion p of students who are satisfied (that is, who choose either “satisfied” or “very satisfied,” the two highest levels on the five-point scale).


The university wants to estimate p with 95% confidence and a margin of error less than or equal to 3%, or 0.03. For planning purposes, it is willing to use p* = 0.5. To find the sample size required,

Round up to get n = 1068. (Always round up. Rounding down would give a margin of error slightly greater than 0.03.)

Similarly, for a 2.5% margin of error, we have (after rounding up)

and for a 2% margin of error,