8.64 Exergaming in Canada. Exergames are active video games such as rhythmic dancing games, virtual bicycles, balance board simulators, and virtual sports simulators that require a screen and a console. A study of exergaming practiced by students from grades 10 and 11 in Montreal, Canada, examined many factors related to participation in exergaming.22 Of the 358 students who reported that they stressed about their health, 29.9% said that they were exergamers. Of the 851 students who reported that they did not stress about their health, 20.8% said that they were exergamers.

  1. (a) Define the two populations to be compared for this exercise.

  2. (b) What are the counts, the sample sizes, and the proportions?

  3. (c) Are the guidelines for the use of the large-sample confidence interval satisfied?

  4. (d) Are the guidelines for the use of the large-sample significance test satisfied?