For Exercise 7.93 and 7.94, see pages 464–465; for Exercises 7.95 and 7.96, see page 467; for Exercises 7.97 through 7.99, see page 469; and for Exercise 7.100, see page 473.

Question 7.101

7.101 What is wrong? In each of the following situations, identify what is wrong, and then either explain why it is wrong or change the wording of the statement to make it true.

  1. (a) To reduce the margin of error in half, the sample size needs to be doubled.

  2. (b) The sign test for matched pairs is more powerful than the paired t test when the differences are close to Normal.

  3. (c) When testing H0: μ = 10 versus the two-sided alternative, the power at μ = 3 is larger than at μ = 17.

  4. (d) Increasing sample size increases the power for all alternatives and decreases the probability of a Type I error.

Question 7.102

7.102 Apartment rental rates. You hope to rent an unfurnished one-bedroom apartment in Dallas next year. You call a friend who lives there and ask him to give you an estimate of the mean monthly rate. Having taken a statistics course recently, the friend asks about the desired margin of error and confidence level for this estimate. He also tells you that the standard deviation of monthly rents for one-bedrooms is about $300.

  1. (a) For 95% confidence and a margin of error of $150, how many apartments should the friend randomly sample from the local newspaper?

  2. (b) Suppose that you want the margin of error to be no more than $50. How many apartments should the friend sample?

  3. (c) Why is the sample size in part (b) not just nine times larger than the sample size in part (a)?


Question 7.103

7.103 More on apartment rental rates. Refer to the previous exercise. Will the 95% confidence interval include approximately 95% of the rents of all unfurnished one-bedroom apartments in this area? Explain why or why not.

Question 7.104

7.104 Average hours per week on the Internet. The Student Monitor surveys 1200 undergraduates from 100 colleges semiannually to understand trends among college students.43 Recently, the Student Monitor reported that the average amount of time spent per week on the Internet was 19.0 hours. You suspect that this amount is far too small for your campus and plan a survey.

  1. (a) You feel that a reasonable estimate of the standard deviation is 10.0 hours. What sample size is needed so that the expected margin of error of your estimate is not larger than one hour for 95% confidence?

  2. (b) The distribution of times is likely to be heavily skewed to the right. Do you think that this skewness will invalidate the use of the t confidence interval in this case? Explain your answer.

Question 7.105

7.105 Average hours per week listening to the radio. Refer to the previous exercise. The Student Monitor also reported that the average amount of time listening to the radio was 11.5 hours.

  1. (a) Given an estimated standard deviation of 5.2 hours, what sample size is needed so that the expected margin of error of your estimate is not larger than one hour for 95% confidence?

  2. (b) If your survey is going to ask about Internet use and radio use, which of the two calculated sample sizes should you use? Explain your answer.

Question 7.106

7.106 Accuracy of a laboratory scale. To assess the accuracy of a laboratory scale, a standard weight known to weigh 10 grams is weighed repeatedly. The scale readings are Normally distributed with unknown mean (this mean is 10 grams if the scale has no bias). The standard deviation of the scale readings in the past has been 0.0013 gram.

  1. (a) The weight is measured five times. The mean result is 10.0009 grams. Give a 98% confidence interval for the mean of repeated measurements of the weight.

  2. (b) How many measurements must be averaged to get an expected margin of error no more than 0.001 with 98% confidence?

Question 7.107

7.107 Accuracy of a laboratory scale, continued. Refer to the previous exercise. Suppose that instead of a confidence interval, the researchers want to perform a test (with α = 0.05) that the scale is unbiased (μ = 10).

  1. (a) What sample size n is necessary to have at least 90% power when the alternative mean is μ = 10.001?

  2. (b) Suppose they can only perform a maximum of n = 10 measurements. Based on your answer in part (a), will the power be more or less than 90%? Explain your answer.

  3. (c) Verify your answer in part (b), by computing the power when n = 10.

Question 7.108

7.108 Sample size calculations. You are designing a study to test the null hypothesis that μ = 0 versus the alternative that μ is positive. Assume that σ is 20. Suppose that it would be important to be able to detect the alternative μ = 4. What sample size is needed to detect this alternative with power of at least 0.80?

Question 7.109

image 7.109 Power of the comparison of DXA machine operators. Suppose that the bone researchers in Exercise 7.45 (page 431) want to be able to detect an alternative mean difference of 0.002. Find the power for this alternative for a sample size of 20 patients. Make sure to explain the reasoning of your choice of standard deviation in these calculations.

Question 7.110

image 7.110 Determining the sample size. Consider Example 7.23 (page 465). What is the minimum sample size needed for the power to be greater than 80% when μ = 14.5?

Question 7.111

7.111 Changing the significance level. In Example 7.24 (page 468), we assessed the power of a new study of calcium on blood pressure assuming n1 = n2 = 45 subjects. The power was based on α = 0.01. Suppose that we wanted to use α = 0.05 instead.

  1. (a) Would the power increase or decrease? Explain your answer in terms someone unfamiliar with power calculations can understand.

  2. (b) Verify your answer by computing the power.

Question 7.112

7.112 Planning a study to compare tree size. In Exercise 7.79 (page 459), DBH data for longleaf pine trees in two parts of the Wade Tract are compared. Suppose that you are planning a similar study in which you will measure the diameters of longleaf pine trees. Based on Exercise 7.79, you are willing to assume that the standard deviation for both halves is 20 cm. Suppose that a difference in mean DBH of 10 cm or more would be important to detect. You will use a t statistic and a two-sided alternative for the comparison.

  1. (a) Find the power if you randomly sample 20 trees from each area to be compared.

  2. (b) Repeat the calculations for 60 trees in each sample.

  3. (c) If you had to choose between the 20 and 60 trees per sample, which would you choose? Give reasons for your answer.


Question 7.113

image 7.113 More on planning a study to compare tree size. Refer to the previous exercise. Find the two standard deviations from Exercise 7.79. Do the same for the data in Exercise 7.80 (page 459), which is a similar setting. These are somewhat smaller than the assumed value that you used in the previous exercise. Explain why it is generally a better idea to assume a standard deviation that is larger than you expect than one that is smaller. Repeat the power calculations for some other reasonable values of σ and comment on the impact of the size of σ for planning the new study.

Question 7.114

7.114 Planning a study to compare ad placement. Refer to Exercise 7.78 (page 458), where we compared trustworthiness ratings for ads from two different publications. Suppose that you are planning a similar study using two different publications that are not expected to show the differences seen when comparing the Wall Street Journal with the National Enquirer. You would like to detect a difference of 1.5 points using a two-sided significance test with a 5% level of significance. Based on Exercise 7.78, it is reasonable to use 1.6 as the value of the common standard deviation for planning purposes.

  1. (a) What is the power if you use sample sizes similar to those used in the previous study—for example, 65 for each publication?

  2. (b) Repeat the calculations for 100 in each group.

  3. (c) What sample size would you recommend for the new study?

Question 7.115

7.115 Sign test for potential insurance fraud. The differences in the repair estimates in Exercise 7.40 (page 430) can also be analyzed using a sign test. Set up the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses, carry out the test, and summarize the results. How do these results compare with those that you obtained in Exercise 7.40?


Question 7.116

7.116 Sign test for the comparison of operators. The differences in the TBBMC measures in Exercise 7.45 (pages 431–432) can also be analyzed using a sign test. Set up the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses, carry out the test, and summarize the results. How do these results compare with those that you obtained in Exercise 7.45?


Question 7.117

7.117 Sign test for fuel efficiency comparison. Use the sign test to assess whether the computer calculates a higher mpg than the driver in Exercise 7.41 (pages 430–431). State the hypotheses, give the P-value using the binomial table (Table C), and report your conclusion.


Question 7.118

7.118 Insulation study. A manufacturer of electric motors tests insulation at a high temperature (250̊ C) and records the number of hours until the insulation fails.44 The data for five specimens are

446 326 372 377 310

The small sample size makes judgment from the data difficult, but engineering experience suggests that the logarithm of the failure time will have a Normal distribution. Take the logarithms of the five observations and use t procedures to give a 90% confidence interval for the mean of the log failure time for insulation of this type.