9.1 Find two conditional distributions for the Instagram data. Figure 9.4 shows JMP output for the Instagram data of Example 9.2 (page 526). Use this output to answer the following questions.

  1. (a) Find the conditional distribution of Instagram use for females.

  2. (b) Do the same for males.

  3. (c) Graphically display the two conditional distributions.

  4. (d) Write a short summary interpreting the two conditional distributions.

9.2 Condition on Instagram user. Refer to the previous exercise. Use the output in Figure 9.4 to answer the following questions.

  1. (a) Find the conditional distribution of sex for Instagram users.

  2. (b) Do the same for those who do not use Instagram.

  3. (c) Graphically display the two conditional distributions.

  4. (d) Write a short summary interpreting the two conditional distributions.