9.38 Translate each problem into a table. In each of the following scenarios, translate the problem into one that can be analyzed using a table. Give the values of and , the table, and its entries.

  1. (a) Three website designs are being compared. Sixty students have agreed to be subjects for the study, and they are randomly assigned to watch one of the designs for as long as they like. For each student, the study directors record whether or not the website is watched for more than a minute. For the first design, 16 students watched for more than a minute; for the second, 5 watched for more than a minute; and for the third, 10 students watched for more than a minute.

  2. (b) A sample of undergraduate students were asked whether or not they were in favor of a new proposed core curriculum. For the first-year students, 95 said Yes and 286 said No. For the fourth-year students 127 said Yes and 114 said No.