9.48 Lying to a teacher. One of the questions in a survey of high school students asked about lying to teachers.15 The following table gives the numbers of students who said that they lied to a teacher at least once during the past year, classified by sex:

Lied at least onceMaleFemale
  1. (a) Add the marginal totals to the table.

  2. (b) Calculate appropriate percents to describe the results of this question.

  3. (c) Summarize your findings in a short paragraph.

  4. (d) Test the null hypothesis that there is no association between sex and lying to teachers. Give the test statistic and the -value (with a sketch similar to the one on p. 535) and summarize your conclusion. Be sure to include numerical and graphical summaries.

  5. (e) The survey asked students if they lied, but we do not know if they answered the question truthfully. How does this fact affect the conclusions that you can draw from these data?