• One-
• To do an analysis of variance, first examine the data. Side-
• In addition to Normality, the ANOVA model assumes equal population standard deviations. Compute the ratio of the largest to the smallest sample standard deviation. If this ratio is less than 2 and the Normality assumption is reasonable, ANOVA can be performed.
• If the data do not support equal standard deviations, consider transforming the response variable. This often makes the group standard deviations more nearly equal and makes the group distributions more Normal.
• The null hypothesis is that the population means are all equal. The alternative hypothesis is true if there are any differences among the population means.
• ANOVA is based on separating the total variation observed in the data into two parts: variation among group means and variation within groups. If the variation among groups is large relative to the variation within groups, we have evidence against the null hypothesis.
• An analysis of variance table organizes the ANOVA calculations. Degrees of freedom, sums of squares, and mean squares appear in the table. The F statistic and its P-value are used to test the null hypothesis.
• The ANOVA F test shares the robustness of the two-