For Exercise 1.16, see page 11; for Exercise 1.17, see page 12; for Exercises 1.18 and 1.19, see page 14; for Exercise 1.20, see page 16; for Exercises 1.21 and 1.22, see page 16; for Exercise 1.23, see page 19; and for Exercise 1.24, see page 21.
1.25 Your Facebook app can generate a million dollars a month. A report on Facebook suggests that Facebook apps can generate large amounts of money, as much as $1 million a month.9 The following table gives the numbers of Facebook users by country for the top 10 countries based on the number of users:10
Country |
Facebook users (in millions) |
Brazil | 29.30 |
India | 37.38 |
Mexico | 29.80 |
Germany | 21.46 |
France | 23.19 |
Philippines | 26.87 |
Indonesia | 40.52 |
United Kingdom | 30.39 |
United States | 155.74 |
Turkey | 30.63 |
(a) Use a bar graph to describe the numbers of users in these countries.
(b) Do you think that the United States is an outlier in this data set? Explain your answer.
(c) Describe the major features of your graph in a short paragraph.
1.25 (b) The United States is a clear outlier. It has four or five times as many Facebook users as the other countries, despite having a population smaller than some of the other countries.
1.26 Facebook use increases by country. Refer to the previous exercise. The report also gave the increases in the number of Facebook users for a one-month period for the same countries:
Country |
Increase in users (in millions) |
Brazil | 2.47 |
India | 1.75 |
Mexico | 0.84 |
Germany | 0.51 |
France | 0.38 |
Philippines | 0.38 |
Indonesia | 0.37 |
United Kingdom | 0.22 |
United States | 0.65 |
Turkey | 0.09 |
(a) Use a bar graph to describe the increase in users in these countries.
(b) Describe the major features of your graph in a short paragraph.
(c) Do you think a stemplot would be a better graphical display for these data? Give reasons for your answer.
(d) Write a short paragraph about possible business opportunities suggested by the data you described in this exercise and the previous one.
1.27 The Titanic and class. On April 15, 1912, on her maiden voyage, the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank. The ship was luxurious but did not have enough lifeboats for the 2224 passengers and crew. As a result of the collision, 1502 people died.11 The ship had three classes of passengers. The level of luxury and the price of the ticket varied with the class, with first class being the most luxurious. There were 323 passengers in first class, 277 in second class, and 709 in third class.12
(a) Make a bar graph of these data.
(b) Give a short summary of how the number of passengers varied with class.
(c) If you made a bar graph of the percent of passengers in each class, would the general features of the graph differ from the one you made in part (a)? Explain your answer.
1.27 (b) Second class had the fewest passengers. Third class had by far the most, more than twice as many as in first class. (c) A bar graph of the percents (relative frequency) would have the same features.
1.28 Another look at the Titanic and class. Refer to the previous exercise.
(a) Make a pie chart to display the data.
(b) Compare the pie chart with the bar graph. Which do you prefer? Give reasons for your answer.
1.29 Who survived? Refer to the two previous exercises. The number of first-class passengers who survived was 200. For second and third class, the numbers were 119 and 181, respectively. Create a graphical summary that shows how the survival of passengers depended on class.
1.30 Potassium from potatoes. The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans13 notes that the average potassium (K) intake for U.S. adults is about half of the recommended amount. A major source of potassium is potatoes. Nutrients in the diet can have different absorption depending on the source. One study looked at absorption of potassium from different sources. Participants ate a controlled diet for five days, and the amount of potassium absorbed was measured. Data for a diet that included 40 milliequivalents (mEq) of potassium were collected from 27 adult subjects.14
(a) Make a stemplot of the data.
(b) Describe the pattern of the distribution.
(c) Are there any outliers? If yes, describe them and explain why you have declared them to be outliers.
(d) Describe the shape, center, and spread of the distribution.
1.31 Potassium from a supplement. Refer to the previous exercise. Data were also recorded for 29 subjects who received a potassium salt supplement with 40 mEq of potassium. Answer the questions in the previous exercise for the supplemented subjects.
1.31 (b) The distribution is somewhat right skewed. (c) There appears to be one small outlier at 2680. (d) The shape is right-skewed, the center is around 3200, the range is from 2680 to 3950.
1.32 Energy consumption. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports data summaries of various energy statistics. Let’s look at the total amount of energy consumed, in quadrillions of British thermal units (Btu), for each month in a recent year. Here are the data:15
Month |
Energy (quadrillion Btu) |
Month |
Energy (quadrillion Btu) |
January | 9.58 | July | 8.23 |
February | 8.46 | August | 8.21 |
March | 8.56 | September | 7.64 |
April | 7.56 | October | 7.78 |
May | 7.66 | November | 8.19 |
June | 7.79 | December | 8.82 |
(a) Look at the table and describe how the energy consumption varies from month to month.
(b) Make a time plot of the data and describe the patterns.
(c) Suppose you wanted to communicate information about the month-to-month variation in energy consumption. Which would be more effective, the table of the data or the graph? Give reasons for your answer.
1.33 Energy consumption in a different year. Refer to the previous exercise. Here are the data for the previous year:
Month |
Energy (quadrillion Btu) |
Month |
Energy (quadrillion Btu) |
January | 8.99 | July | 8.27 |
February | 8.02 | August | 8.17 |
March | 8.38 | September | 7.64 |
April | 7.52 | October | 7.72 |
May | 7.62 | November | 8.14 |
June | 7.72 | December | 9.08 |
(a) Analyze these data using the questions in the previous exercise as a guide.
(b) Compare the patterns across the two years. Describe any similarities and differences.
1.33 (a) 2013 still has the highest usage in December and January. (b) The patterns are very similar, but the values for the winter months in 2014 are somewhat higher than those in the 2013 winter months. These differences are most likely due to weather.
1.34 Favorite colors. What is your favorite color? One survey produced the following summary of responses to that question: blue, 42%; green, 14%; purple, 14%; red, 8%; black, 7%; orange, 5%; yellow, 3%; brown, 3%; gray, 2%; and white, 2%.16 Make a bar graph of the percents and write a short summary of the major features of your graph.
1.35 Least-favorite colors. Refer to the previous exercise. The same study also asked people about their least-favorite color. Here are the results: orange, 30%; brown, 23%; purple, 13%; yellow, 13%; gray, 12%; green, 4%; white, 4%; red, 1%; black, 0%; and blue, 0%. Make a bar graph of these percents and write a summary of the results.
1.35 Opinions about least-favorite color are somewhat more varied than favorite colors. Interestingly, purple is liked and disliked by about the same percentage of people.
1.36 Garbage. The formal name for garbage is “municipal solid waste.” In the United States, approximately 250 million tons of garbage are generated in a year. Following is a breakdown of the materials that made up American municipal solid waste in 2012:17
Material |
Weight (million tons) |
Percent of total |
Food scraps | 36.4 | 14.5 |
Glass | 11.6 | 4.6 |
Metals | 22.4 | 8.9 |
Paper, paperboard | 68.6 | 27.4 |
Plastics | 31.7 | 12.7 |
Rubber, leather | 7.5 | 3.0 |
Textiles | 14.3 | 5.7 |
Wood | 15.8 | 6.3 |
Yard trimmings | 34.0 | 13.5 |
Other | 8.5 | 3.4 |
Total | 250.9 | 100.0 |
(a) Add the weights. The sum is not exactly equal to the value of 250.9 million tons given in the table. Why?
(b) Make a bar graph of the percents. The graph gives a clearer picture of the main contributors to garbage if you order the bars from tallest to shortest.
(c) Also make a pie chart of the percents. Comparing the two graphs, notice that it is easier to see the small differences among “Food scraps,” “Plastics,” and “Yard trimmings” in the bar graph.
1.37 Vehicle colors. Vehicle colors differ among regions of the world. Here are data on the most popular colors for vehicles in North America:18
Color | (percent) |
White | 24 |
Black | 19 |
Silver | 16 |
Gray | 15 |
Red | 10 |
Blue | 7 |
Brown | 5 |
Other | 4 |
(a) Describe these data with a bar graph.
(b) Describe these data with a pie chart.
(c) Which graphical summary do you prefer. Give reasons for your answer.
1.37 White is the most popular color in 2012 for North America, followed by black, silver, and gray.
1.38 Sketch a skewed distribution. Sketch a histogram for a distribution that is skewed to the left. Suppose that you and your friends emptied your pockets of coins and recorded the year marked on each coin. The distribution of dates would be skewed to the left. Explain why.
1.39 Grades and self-concept. Table 1.3 presents data on 78 seventh-grade students in a rural midwestern school.19 The researcher was interested in the relationship between the students’ “self-concept” and their academic performance. The data we give here include each student’s grade point average (GPA), score on a standard IQ test, and gender, taken from school records. Gender is coded as F for female and M for male. The students are identified only by an observation number (OBS). The missing OBS numbers show that some students dropped out of the study. The final variable is each student’s score on the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, a psychological test administered by the researcher.
(a) How many variables does this data set contain? Which are categorical variables and which are quantitative variables?
(b) Make a stemplot of the distribution of GPA, after rounding to the nearest tenth of a point.
(c) Describe the shape, center, and spread of the GPA distribution. Identify any suspected outliers from the overall pattern.
(d) Make a back-to-back stemplot of the rounded GPAs for female and male students. Write a brief comparison of the two distributions.
1.39 (a) Four variables: GPA, IQ, and self-concept are quantitative; gender is categorical. (c) Unimodal and skewed to the left, centered near 7.8, spread from 0.5 to 10.8. (d) There is more variability among the boys; in fact, there seem to be two groups of boys—those with GPAs below 5 and those with GPAs above 5.
1.40 Describe the IQ scores. Make a graph of the distribution of IQ scores for the seventh-grade students in Table 1.3. Describe the shape, center, and spread of the distribution, as well as any outliers. IQ scores are usually said to be centered at 100. Is the midpoint for these students close to 100, clearly above, or clearly below?
OBS | GPA | IQ | Gender |
Self- concept |
OBS | GPA | IQ | Gender |
Self- concept |
001 | 7.940 | 111 | M | 67 | 043 | 10.760 | 123 | M | 64 |
002 | 8.292 | 107 | M | 43 | 044 | 9.763 | 124 | M | 58 |
003 | 4.643 | 100 | M | 52 | 045 | 9.410 | 126 | M | 70 |
004 | 7.470 | 107 | M | 66 | 046 | 9.167 | 116 | M | 72 |
005 | 8.882 | 114 | F | 58 | 047 | 9.348 | 127 | M | 70 |
006 | 7.585 | 115 | M | 51 | 048 | 8.167 | 119 | M | 47 |
007 | 7.650 | 111 | M | 71 | 050 | 3.647 | 97 | M | 52 |
008 | 2.412 | 97 | M | 51 | 051 | 3.408 | 86 | F | 46 |
009 | 6.000 | 100 | F | 49 | 052 | 3.936 | 102 | M | 66 |
010 | 8.833 | 112 | M | 51 | 053 | 7.167 | 110 | M | 67 |
011 | 7.470 | 104 | F | 35 | 054 | 7.647 | 120 | M | 63 |
012 | 5.528 | 89 | F | 54 | 055 | 0.530 | 103 | M | 53 |
013 | 7.167 | 104 | M | 54 | 056 | 6.173 | 115 | M | 67 |
014 | 7.571 | 102 | F | 64 | 057 | 7.295 | 93 | M | 61 |
015 | 4.700 | 91 | F | 56 | 058 | 7.295 | 72 | F | 54 |
016 | 8.167 | 114 | F | 69 | 059 | 8.938 | 111 | F | 60 |
017 | 7.822 | 114 | F | 55 | 060 | 7.882 | 103 | F | 60 |
018 | 7.598 | 103 | F | 65 | 061 | 8.353 | 123 | M | 63 |
019 | 4.000 | 106 | M | 40 | 062 | 5.062 | 79 | M | 30 |
020 | 6.231 | 105 | F | 66 | 063 | 8.175 | 119 | M | 54 |
021 | 7.643 | 113 | M | 55 | 064 | 8.235 | 110 | M | 66 |
022 | 1.760 | 109 | M | 20 | 065 | 7.588 | 110 | M | 44 |
024 | 6.419 | 108 | F | 56 | 068 | 7.647 | 107 | M | 49 |
026 | 9.648 | 113 | M | 68 | 069 | 5.237 | 74 | F | 44 |
027 | 10.700 | 130 | F | 69 | 071 | 7.825 | 105 | M | 67 |
028 | 10.580 | 128 | M | 70 | 072 | 7.333 | 112 | F | 64 |
029 | 9.429 | 128 | M | 80 | 074 | 9.167 | 105 | M | 73 |
030 | 8.000 | 118 | M | 53 | 076 | 7.996 | 110 | M | 59 |
031 | 9.585 | 113 | M | 65 | 077 | 8.714 | 107 | F | 37 |
032 | 9.571 | 120 | F | 67 | 078 | 7.833 | 103 | F | 63 |
033 | 8.998 | 132 | F | 62 | 079 | 4.885 | 77 | M | 36 |
034 | 8.333 | 111 | F | 39 | 080 | 7.998 | 98 | F | 64 |
035 | 8.175 | 124 | M | 71 | 083 | 3.820 | 90 | M | 42 |
036 | 8.000 | 127 | M | 59 | 084 | 5.936 | 96 | F | 28 |
037 | 9.333 | 128 | F | 60 | 085 | 9.000 | 112 | F | 60 |
038 | 9.500 | 136 | M | 64 | 086 | 9.500 | 112 | F | 70 |
039 | 9.167 | 106 | M | 71 | 087 | 6.057 | 114 | M | 51 |
040 | 10.140 | 118 | F | 72 | 088 | 6.057 | 93 | F | 21 |
041 | 9.999 | 119 | F | 54 | 089 | 6.938 | 106 | M | 56 |
1.41 Describe the self-concept scores. Based on a suitable graph, briefly describe the distribution of self-concept scores for the students in Table 1.3. Be sure to identify any suspected outliers.
1.41 The distribution is unimodal and skewed to the left, with center around 59.5. Most self-concept scores are between 35 and 73, with a few below that, and one high score of 80 (but not really high enough to be an outlier).
1.42 The Boston Marathon. Women were allowed to enter the Boston Marathon in 1972. Here are the times (in minutes, rounded to the nearest minute) for the winning women from 1972 to 2015.
Make a graph that shows change over time. What overall pattern do you see? Have times stopped improving in recent years? If so, when did improvement end?
Year | Time | Year | Time | Year | Time | Year | Time |
1972 | 190 | 1983 | 143 | 1994 | 142 | 2005 | 145 |
1973 | 186 | 1984 | 149 | 1995 | 145 | 2006 | 143 |
1974 | 167 | 1985 | 154 | 1996 | 147 | 2007 | 149 |
1975 | 162 | 1986 | 145 | 1997 | 146 | 2008 | 145 |
1976 | 167 | 1987 | 146 | 1998 | 143 | 2009 | 152 |
1977 | 168 | 1988 | 145 | 1999 | 143 | 2010 | 146 |
1978 | 165 | 1989 | 144 | 2000 | 146 | 2011 | 142 |
1979 | 155 | 1990 | 145 | 2001 | 144 | 2012 | 151 |
1980 | 154 | 1991 | 144 | 2002 | 141 | 2013 | 146 |
1981 | 147 | 1992 | 144 | 2003 | 145 | 2014 | 139 |
1982 | 150 | 1993 | 145 | 2004 | 144 | 2015 | 145 |