1. 1. From a Pew Research Institute article by Monica Anderson, “Young adults more likely to say vaccinating kids should be a parental choice,’’ February 2, 2015.

  2. 2. When the expected cell counts are small, we prefer a test based on the exact distribution rather than the chi-square approximation, particularly for tables. Many statistical software systems offer an “exact’’ test as well as the chi-square test for tables.

  3. 3. D.-C. Seo et al., “Relations between physical activity and behavioral and perceptual correlates among midwestern college students,’’ Journal of Americal College Health, 56, No. 2 (2007), pp. 187–197.

  4. 4. From P. Strazzullo et al., “Salt intake, stroke, and cardiovascular disease: A meta analysis of prospective studies,’’ British Medical Journal, 339 (2009), pp. 1–9. The meta-analysis combined data from 14 study cohorts taken from 10 different studies.

  5. 5. N. R. Cook et al., “Long term effects of dietary sodium reduction on cardiovascular disease outcomes: Observational follow-up of the trials of the hypertension prevention (TOHP),’’ British Medical Journal, 334 (2007), pp. 1–8.

  6. 6. Catherine Hill and Holly Kearl, Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment at School, American Association of University Women, Washington, DC, 2011.

  7. 7. For an overview of remote deposit capture, see

  8. 8. From the Community Bank Competitiveness Survey, 2008, ABA Banking Journal. The survey is available at

  9. 9. The sampling procedure was designed by George McCabe. It was carried out by Amy Conklin, an undergraduate honors student in the Department of Foods and Nutrition at Purdue University.

  10. 10. The analysis could also be performed by using a two-way table to compare the states of the selected and not-selected students. Because the selected students are a relatively small percent of the total sample, the results will be approximately the same.

  11. 11. See the M&M Mars website at for this and other information.

  12. 12. See

  13. 13. These data are a composite based on several actual audits of this type.

  14. 14. Data provided by Professor Marcy Towns of the Purdue University Department of Chemistry.

  15. 15. Based on The Ethics of American Youth–-2008, available from the Josephson Institute at

  16. 16. From the Survey of Canadian Career College Students Phase II: In-School Student Survey, 2008. This report is available from

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