1. Statistics from “The Infinite Dial 2014’’ survey by Edison Research and Triton Digital posted in March 2014.
2. Based on Stephanie T. Tong et al., “Too much of a good thing? The relationship between number of friends and interpersonal impressions on Facebook,’’ Journal of Computer-
3. This rule is intended to provide a general guideline for deciding when serious errors may result by applying ANOVA procedures. When the sample sizes in each group are very small, this rule may be a little too conservative. For unequal sample sizes, particular difficulties can arise when a relatively small sample size is associated with a population having a relatively large standard deviation.
4. Penny M. Simpson et al., “The eyes have it, or do they? The effects of model eye color and eye gaze on consumer ad response,’’ Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 8 (2008), pp. 60–71.
5. Discussion on this an other tests can be found in M.H. Kutner et al., Applied Linear Models, 5th ed., McGraw-
6. Bryan Raudenbush et al., “Pain threshold and tolerance differences among intercollegiate athletes: Implication of past sports injuries and willingness to compete among sports teams,’’ North American Journal of Psychology, 14 (2012), pp. 85–94.
7. Based on “Don’t bring me down: A study of the perceived emotional impact of positive, negative, and neutral content on Facebook,’’ Thesis (2015), Isis Lopez, University of Texas at Brownsville.
8. Several different definitions for the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral F distribution are in use. When I = 2, the λ defined here is equal to the square of the noncentrality parameter δ that we used for the two-
9. Woo Gon Kim et al., “Influence of institutional DINESERV on customer satisfaction, return intention, and word-
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11. Sangwon Lee and Seonmi Lee, “Multiple play strategy in global telecommunication markets: An empirical analysis,’’International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 3 (2008), pp. 44–53.
12. F. Madhumita, “A study of changes to the websites of British Columbia wineries between 2004 and 2012,’’ MS Dissertation (2013), University of British Colombia.
13. Kendall J. Eskine, “Wholesome foods and wholesome morals? Organic foods reduce prosocial behavior and harshen moral judgments,’’ Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2012, doi:10.1177/1948550612447114.
14. Adam I. Perlman et al., “Massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee: A randomized dose-
15. Jeffrey T. Kullgren et al., “Individual-
16. Corinne M. Kodama and Angela Ebreo, “Do labels matter? Attitudinal and behavioral correlates of ethnic and racial identity choices among Asian American undergraduates,’’ College Student Affairs Journal, 27, No. 2 (2009), pp. 155–175.
17. Christie N. Scollon et al., “Emotions across cultures and methods,’’ Journal of Cross-
18. Jesus Tanguma et al., “Shopping and bargaining in Mexico: The role of women,’’ Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 9 (2009), pp. 34–40.
19. Adrian C. North et al., “The effect of musical style on restaurant consumers’ spending,’’ Environment and Behavior, 35 (2003), pp. 712–718.
20. The experiment was performed in Connie Weaver’s lab in the Purdue University Department of Foods and Nutrition. The data were provided by Berdine Martin and Yong Jiang.
21. The data were provided by James Kaufman. The study is described in James C. Kaufman, “The cost of the muse: Poets die young,’’ Death Studies, 27 (2003), pp. 813–821. The quote from Yeats appears in this article.
22. Data provided by Jo Welch of the Purdue University Department of Foods and Nutrition.
23. Steve Badylak et al., “Marrow-