1. 1. See

  2. 2. From State of Drunk Driving Fatalities in America 2010, available at

  3. 3. James P. Purdy, “Why first-year college students select online research sources as their favorite,’’ First Monday, 17, No. 9 (September 3, 2012). See

  4. 4. Data collected in the lab of Connie Weaver, Department of Nutrition Sciences, Purdue University, and provided by Linda McCabe. For more information, see Corrie M. Whisner, et al., “Soluble maize fibre affects short-term calcium absorption in adolescent boys and girls: A randomized controlled trial using dual stable isotropic tracers,’’ British Journal of Nutritiion, 112 (2014), pp. 446–456.

  5. 5. Haipeng Shen, “Nonparametric regression for problems involving lognormal distributions,’’ PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2003. Thanks to Haipeng Shen and Larry Brown for sharing the data.

  6. 6. From the Digest of Education Statistics at the website of the National Center for Education Statistics,

  7. 7. See Note 4.

  8. 8. Based on Barbara Ernst et al., “Seasonal variation in the deficiency of 25–hydroxyvitamin D3 in mildly to extremely obese subjects,’’ Obesity Surgery, 19 (2009), pp. 180–183.

  9. 9. See, for example,

  10. 10. From The website says that the data are updated daily. These data were downloaded on June 15, 2014.

  11. 11. More information about the Titanic can be found at the website for the Titanic Project in Belfast, Ireland, at

  12. 12. Data describing the passengers on the Titanic can be found at

  13. 13. See

  14. 14. Data collected in the lab of Connie Weaver, Department of Nutrition Sciences, Purdue University and provided by Linda McCabe.

  15. 15. Data from Table 1.1 in the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s July 2015 Monthly Energy Review, available at

  16. 16. From the Color Assignment website of Joe Hallock,

  17. 17. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. See

  18. 18. See

  19. 19. Data provided by Darlene Gordon, Purdue University.

  20. 20. Data for 1980 to 2013 are available from the World Bank at Data for 2013 were used for this example.

  21. 21. See, for example,

  22. 22. The data were provided by James Kaufman. The study is described in James C. Kaufman, “The cost of the muse: Poets die young,’’ Death Studies, 27 (2003), pp. 813–821. The quote from Yeats appears in this article.

  23. 23. See, for example, the bibliographic entry for Gosset in the School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, MacTutor History of Mathematics archive at

  24. 24. These and other data that were collected and used by Gosset can be found in the Guinness Archives in Dublin. See

  25. 25. These data were provided by Krista Nichols, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University.

  26. 26. From on July 14, 2015.

  27. 27. Net worth from the Federal Reserve Bulletin, 100, No. 4 (2014), p. 12.

  28. 28. For more information about earthquakes, see the U.S. Geological Service website at

  29. 29. See Noel Cressie, Statistics for Spatial Data, Wiley, 1993.

  30. 30. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The NAEP is a large assessment of student knowledge in a variety of subjects. See

  31. 31. See the NCAA Eligibility Center Quick Reference Sheet, available at

  32. 32. Distributions for SAT scores can be found at the College Board website,

  33. 33. See Note 32.


  34. 34. See

  35. 35. From Matthias R. Mehl et al., “Are women really more talkative than men?’’ Science, 317, No. 5834 (2007), p. 82. The raw data were provided by Matthias Mehl.

  36. 36. From the American Heart Association website,

  37. 37. See

  38. 38. From

  39. 39. Data from the website on July 3, 2014. See

  40. 40. See

  41. 41. Data for 2015 from

  42. 42. The Institute of Medicine website,, provides links to reports related to dietary reference intakes as well as other health and nutrition topics.

  43. 43. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Carotenoids, National Academy of Sciences, 2000.

  44. 44. See Note 43.

  45. 45. See

  46. 46. Data from Tadd Colver, Department of Statistics, Purdue University.

  47. 47. Data provided by Mary Ann Lila, Director, Plants for Human Health Institute, David H. Murdock Distinguished Professor, North Carolina Research Campus, North Carolina State University.