1. See the 2015 press release from the Student Monitor, at www.studentmonitor.com.
2. 2015 study conducted by Dr. Beth Livingston and graduate assistants Maria Grillo and Rebecca Paluch, Cornell University ILR School in partnership with Hollaback!
3. K. M. Orzech et al., “The state of sleep among college students at a large public university,’’ Journal of American College Health, 59 (2011), pp. 612–619.
4. Findings can be found at www.nielsen.com/
5. Haipeng Shen, “Nonparametric regression for problems involving lognormal distributions,’’ PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2003. Thanks to Haipeng Shen and Larry Brown for sharing the data.
6. Findings from a 2015 DMR article titled “By the numbers: 60 amazing Snapchat statistics.’’
7. Statistical methods for dealing with time-
8. Statistics are from Pew Research Center’s article titled “6 new facts about Facebook,’’ posted February 3, 2014, on www.pewresearch.org/
9. From the grade distribution database of the Indiana University Office of the Registrar, gradedistribution.registrar.indiana.edu.
10. Diane M. Dellavalle and Jere D. Haas, “Iron status is associated with endurance performance and training in female rowers,’’ Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44, No. 8 (2012), pp. 1552–1559.
11. Results of this and other questions from this survey can be found at www.mumsnet.com/
12. Results are from S. Rinehart et al., “Sexual harassment and sexual violence experiences among middle school youth,’’ presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association annual meeting.
13. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, “The Condition of Education 2015” (NCES 2015-
14. S. A. Rahimtoola, “Outcomes 15 years after valve replacement with a mechanical vs. a prosthetic valve: Final report of the Veterans Administration randomized trial,’’ American College of Cardiology, content.onlinejacc.org/
15. Based on the article “E-
16. The results of this 2012 survey can be found at www.theaa.com/
17. The results of this 2012 survey can be found at josephsoninstitute.org.
18. Results from the Global News article “New regulations about illegal downloading go into effect,’’ posted January 2, 2015, and found at globalnews.ca/
19. “The Wireless Report 2014’’ can be found at www.ditchthelabel.org/
20. A summary over time can be found at www.gallup.com/
21. A summary of Larry Wright’s study can be found at www.nytimes.com/
22. Barbara Means et al., “Evaluation of evidence-
23. Dafna Kanny et al., “Vital signs: Binge drinking among women and high school girls—
24. Information was obtained from “Price comparisons of wireline, wireless and internet services in Canada and with foreign jurisdictions,’’ Canadian Radio-
25. This information can be found at www.census.gov/