Population Geography on the Internet
You can learn more about population geography on the Internet at the following web sites:
Population Reference Bureau, Inc., Washington, D.C.
This organization is concerned principally with the issues of overpopulation and standard of living. The World Population Data Sheet provides up-to-date basic demographic information at a glance, and the Datafinder section has a wealth of images on all aspects of global population for use in presentations and reports. Some of the maps in this chapter were adapted from PRB maps.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
This United Nations web site provides basic information about refugee situations worldwide. The site includes regularly updated maps showing refugee locations and populations and photos of refugee life.
U.S. Census Bureau Population Clocks
Check real-time figures here for the population of the United States and the population of the world. The main web site, http://www.census.gov, hosts the most important and comprehensive data sets available on the U.S. population.
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Learn about the group that distributes information on health, mortality, and epidemics as it seeks to improve health conditions around the globe. The Global Health Atlas allows you to create detailed maps from WHO data.
Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C.
This organization is concerned with the ecological consequences of overpopulation and the wasteful use of resources. It seeks sustainable ways to support the world’s population and brings attention to ecological crises.