Ethnic Geography on the Internet
You can learn more about ethnic geography and the geography of race on the Internet at the following Web sites:
2010 Census of the United States
Go to the American FactFinder section of the web page. Here you will find a wonderful selection of maps that show themes (thematic maps) generated from census data.
Ethnic Geography Specialty Group, Washington, D.C.
This web site provides information about a specialty group within the Association of American Geographers, whose membership includes nearly all U.S. specialists in the study of ethnic geography.
Food: Past and Present
Here you will find a list of links to hundreds of web pages that deal with all aspects of food: diets of historical and contemporary cultures, recipes, and foodways of regions and ethnic groups in the United States.
Feel the need to know the top 10 trends in race and pop culture? Want to follow celebrity gaffes, politicians’ missteps, and questionable media representations? Log on to Racialicious, a no-holds-barred blog about the intersection of race and pop culture. The site is mediated by Carmen Van Kerchove, the cofounder and president of New Demographic, a consulting firm that “helps organizations overcome diversity fatigue by facilitating relaxed, authentic, and productive conversations about race and racism.”