Political Geography on the Internet

Political Geography on the Internet

You can learn more about political geography on the Internet at the following web sites:

European Union

Here you can find information about the 27-member supranational organization that is increasingly reshaping the internal political geography of Europe.

Forced Migration Online

Explore a growing collection of resources relating to refugees and forced migration, assembled and managed by the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. The collection includes searchable full-text documents, podcasts of lectures from the Refugee Studies Centre relating to forced migration, and a discussion forum for the exchange of information regarding refugees and internal displacement.

International Boundary News Archive

This database contains more than 10,000 boundary-related reports from a wide range of news sources around the world dating from 1991 to March 2001, with additional reports from 2006 onward.

Political Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers

This site provides details about the activities and meetings of specialists in political geography and includes useful links to other sites featuring political geography and geopolitics.

United Nations

Search the worldwide organization with a membership that includes the large majority of independent countries. The site contains politically diverse information about such ventures as peacekeeping and conflict resolution.