Agricultural Geography on the Internet

Agricultural Geography on the Internet

You can learn more about agricultural geography on the Internet at the following web sites:

Agriculture, Food, and Human Values (AFHVS)

Founded in 1987, AFHVS promotes interdisciplinary research and scholarship in the broad areas of agriculture and rural studies. The organization sponsors an annual meeting and publishes a journal by the same name.

The Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS)

Developed by the University of Georgia’s Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, this extensive collection of distribution maps for invasive plant species is searchable at the state and county level for the entire United States. Data can also be downloaded in a variety of formats.

Food First

Founded in 1975 by author-activist Francis Moore Lappé, Food First is a nonprofit “people’s” think tank and clearinghouse for information and political action. The organization highlights root causes and value-based solutions to hunger and poverty around the world, with a commitment to establishing food as a fundamental human right.

International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.

Learn about strategies for more efficient planning for world food supplies and enhanced food production from a group concerned with hunger and malnutrition. Part of this site deals with domesticated plant biodiversity.

Resources for the Future

This well-respected center for independent social science research was the first U.S. think tank on environment and natural resources. There is a great deal of information related to the environmental aspects of global food and agriculture.

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy

Discover an agency that focuses on expanding world food production and spreading new techniques for improving agriculture as it strives to predict, avert, or minimize famines.

United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

Look up a wealth of statistics about American farming from the principal federal regulatory and planning agency dealing with agriculture.

Urban Agriculture Notes

This is the site of Canada’s Office of Urban Agriculture. It concerns itself with all manner of subjects, from rooftop gardens to composting toilets to air pollution and community development. It encompasses mental and physical health, entertainment, building codes, rats, fruit trees, herbs, recipes, and much more.

Worldwatch Institute

Learn about a privately financed organization focused on long-range trends, particularly food supply, population growth, and ecological deterioration.