Media and Supplements
Jordan’s Fundamentals of The Human Mosaic is accompanied by a media and supplements package that facilitates learning and enhances the teaching experience.
Student Supplements
Atlas Options
Rand McNally’s Atlas of World Geography, 176 pages
This atlas contains 52 physical, political, and thematic maps of the world and continents; 49 regional, physical, and thematic maps; and dozens of metropolitan-area insert maps. It also contains a section on common geographic questions, a glossary of terms, and a comprehensive 25-page index.
W. H. Freeman Quick Reference Guide
The briefest possible atlas, this double-sided, trifold laminated grid features a complete world map on one side and political mapping exercises on the other. It is the ideal portable world reference guide.
Google Earth Workbook
Google Earth Exercises for Human/Cultural Geography, by Diana Ter-Ghazaryan, University of Miami, and Bradley A. Shellito, Youngstown State University, ISBN: 1-4641-2199-0, 62 pages
This compact workbook provides an introduction to GoogleEarth, along with an activity to accompany each chapter of Jordan’s Fundamentals of The Human Mosaic. In each activity, students explore Google Earth and answer a set of questions to assess their geographic understanding.
Mapping Workbook
Exploring Human Geography with Maps, second edition, by Margaret Pearce, University of Kansas, and Owen Dwyer, Indiana University–Purdue University, ISBN: 1-4292-2981-0
This full-color workbook introduces students to the diverse world of maps as fundamental tools for exploring and presenting ideas in human and cultural geography. It directly addresses the concepts of Jordan’s Fundamentals of The Human Mosaic, chapter by chapter, and it includes activities accessible through The Human Mosaic Online at
This second edition of Exploring Human Geography with Maps provides:
Self-Study on the Web
Jordan’s Fundamentals of The Human Mosaic Online:
The companion Web site serves as an online study guide. The core of the site includes a range of features that encourage critical thinking and assist in study and review:
e-Books and Other Value-Priced Options
An e-Book version of Jordan’s Fundamentals of The Human Mosaic is available in two formats: as an online e-Book from W. H. Freeman and Company or via CourseSmart. For information about the online e-Book, please contact your W. H. Freeman sales consultant. For access to the CourseSmart e-Book, please visit
An unbound looseleaf version of the text is also available at a discount. To order the looseleaf version, please use ISBN 1-4641-2102-8.
This comprehensive resource is designed to offer a complete solution for today’s classroom. Geography Portal offers all the instructor and student resources available on the book companion web site, as well as premium resources available only on the Portal:
For more information or to schedule a demo, please contact your W. H. Freeman sales representative.
Learning Curve is a major asset within Geography Portal. It is an intuitive, fun, and highly effective formative assessment tool.
Based on extensive educational research, Learning Curve is a great asset for helping students prepare for lectures and exams. Game-like quizzing motivates students to engage with their course, and reporting tools help instructors identify students’ areas of strength and weakness. LearningCurve activities are interactive, personal, and layered. As students work through the Learning Curve activity for each chapter, they move further up Bloom’s taxonomy; once they have mastered basic definitions and concepts, they move into analyzing, synthesizing, and integrating content, often with the aid of maps and other visual information. A personalized study plan for each chapter points students to the areas in which they need further study and provides direct links to relevant information in the e-Book.