Practice: Tightening Words and Phrases Exercise C

Rewrite, where possible, using single-word modifiers and connectives rather than phrases. For help with this topic, see the section, “How to Tighten Your Writing” in Working With Words, 9e.

Question 2.15

1 of 10
a great deal of

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Question 2.16

2 of 10
all of a sudden

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Question 2.17

3 of 10
off of

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Question 2.18

4 of 10
at this point in time

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Question 2.19

5 of 10
in large measure

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Question 2.20

6 of 10
despite the fact that

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Question 2.21

7 of 10
as a consequence of

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Question 2.22

8 of 10
for the reason that

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Question 2.23

9 of 10
prior to

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Question 2.24

10 of 10
tendered a resignation

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