Review: Tightening Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences to tighten them, making sure you don’t change the meaning. For help with this topic, see the section, “How to Tighten Your Writing” in Working With Words, 9e.

Question 2.49

1 of 21
His use of metaphors is effective.

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Question 2.50

2 of 21
He knew he was weak in the area of grammar.

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Question 2.51

3 of 21
The field of medicine was fascinating to her.

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Question 2.52

4 of 21
The man ran down the street with his briefcase in hand.

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Question 2.53

5 of 21
It was her mind that he admired.

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Question 2.54

6 of 21
After setting a new record, she explained her future plans.

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Question 2.55

7 of 21
A grand total of $5,000 was gathered up.

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Question 2.56

8 of 21
The ball was hit by the catcher.

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Question 2.57

9 of 21
It seems that she is happy.

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Question 2.58

10 of 21
She thought the assignment was an easy one to do.

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Question 2.59

11 of 21
I think that this looks OK to me.

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Question 2.60

12 of 21

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Question 2.61

13 of 21
It was this book that influenced me the most.

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Question 2.62

14 of 21
In order to get closer to the audience, the speaker stepped off the stage.

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Question 2.63

15 of 21
The noon luncheon was postponed until later, the chairman said, because past experience told him the new construction would not be entirely completed.

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Question 2.64

16 of 21
The roof was partially destroyed , and the fire chief said a fire could recur again.

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Question 2.65

17 of 21
The professor plans to author his book during the summer months before the fall semester.

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Question 2.66

18 of 21
On two different occasions, the unsolved problem resurfaced again.

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Question 2.67

19 of 21
They are the people who were victims of the Holocaust.

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Question 2.68

20 of 21
The higher court remanded the case back down to the lower court.

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Question 2.69

21 of 21
The accident occurred at 10 p.m. Wednesday night after the driver of the vehicle found his car completely surrounded by a thick fog, he later told police after he hit the tree.

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