Write a brief response to the questions below. For help with this topic, see Chapter 7 in Working With Words, 9e.
1 of 13
What do phrases, clauses and sentences have in common?
2 of 13
What’s the difference between a phrase and a clause?
3 of 13
What’s the difference between a clause and a sentence?
4 of 13
What are the two principal kinds of clauses?
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What are the two kinds of dependent clauses?
6 of 13
What do the terms restrictive and nonrestrictive mean?
7 of 13
What are the four kinds of sentences, classified by form?
8 of 13
Write a simple sentence.
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Now, add a second thought to it in the form of an independent clause to make a compound sentence.
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Next, go back to your original simple sentence in Chapter 8 and add a dependent clause to it to make a complex sentence.
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Finally, combine your compound and complex sentences to make a single compound-
12 of 13
Write a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.
13 of 13
Now, write a complex sentence with a relative clause.