Write a brief response to the questions below. For help with this topic, see Chapter 10 in Working With Words, 9e.
1 of 14
A verb must agree with its subject in what way?
2 of 14
What is an antecedent of a pronoun? In what three ways must the pronoun agree with its antecedent?
3 of 14
What does it mean that similar words, phrases or clauses should be stated in parallel structure?
4 of 14
The conjunction and in a subject usually makes the verb plural, whereas or usually makes it singular. But what are the exceptions?
5 of 14
Either and neither take singular verbs by themselves, but what if they’re followed by or or nor?
6 of 14
Do parenthetical words or phrases affect the number of a verb?
7 of 14
What are collective nouns, and are they usually singular or plural? What is the exception?
8 of 14
What are uncountable nouns, and are they usually singular or plural?
9 of 14
Are the names of bands and teams singular or plural?
10 of 14
When are majority, number, plurality and total singular and when plural?
11 of 14
When are fractions and percentages singular or plural?
12 of 14
Are indefinite pronouns usually singular or plural? When is the indefinite pronoun none singular and when plural?
13 of 14
If a noun or pronoun comes between the subject and the verb, do we make the verb agree with it or the subject? If a subject and predicate nominative disagree in number, with which do we make the verb agree?
14 of 14
Verbs in a sentence should be parallel with each other as much as possible in what ways?