Write a brief response to the questions below. For help with this topic, see Chapter 12 in Working With Words, 9e.
1 of 8
Where should modifiers be placed?
2 of 8
What is a dangling participle, and how should it be fixed?
3 of 8
What is a nominative absolute, and does it have to edited?
4 of 8
Should adverbs ever come between the parts of a verb phrase? If so, when and when not?
5 of 8
When should an adverb be placed at the start of a sentence—
6 of 8
Should you normally permit a preposition at the end of a sentence, and are there any exceptions?
7 of 8
What is a split infinitive, and is it ever permissible?
8 of 8
What is a dangling infinitive, and how should it be fixed?