Front Matter Introduction
About the Authors
Contents in Brief
Media and Supplements
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1 Neuroscience in the Twenty-First Centruy
1-2 Perspectives on Brain and Behavior
1-3 Evolution of Brains and of Behavior
1-4 Evolution of the Human Brain and Behavior
1-5 Modern Human Brain Size and Intelligence
Chapter 1 SUMMARY
Chapter 1 KEY TERMS
Chapter 2 Introduction
2-1 Overview of Brain Function and Structure
2-2 The Nervous System's Evolutionary Development
2-3 The Central Nervous System: Mediating Behavior
2-4 Somatic Nervous System: Transmitting Information
2-5 Autonomic and Enteric Nervous Systems: Visceral Relations
Chapter 2 SUMMARY
Chapter 2 KEY TERMS
Chapter 3 Introduction
3-1 Cells of the Nervous System
3-2 Internal Structure of a Cell
3-3 Genes, Cells, and Behavior
Chapter 3 SUMMARY
Chapter 3 KEY TERMS
Chapter 4 Introduction
4-1 Searching for Electrical Activity in the Nervous System
4-2 Electrical Activity of a Membrane
4-3 How Neurons Integrate Information
4-4 Into the Nervous System and Back Out
Chapter 4 SUMMARY
Chapter 4 KEY TERMS
Chapter 5 Introduction
5-1 A Chemical Message
5-2 Varieties of Neurotransmitters and Receptors
5-3 Neurotransmitter Systems and Behavior
5-4 Adaptive Role of Synapses in Learning and Memory
Chapter 5 SUMMARY
Chapter 5 KEY TERMS
Chapter 6 Introduction
6-1 Principles of Psychopharmacology
6-2 Grouping Psychoactive Drugs
6-3 Factors Influencing Individual Responses to Drugs
6-4 Explaining and Treating Drug Abuse
6-5 Hormones
Chapter 6 SUMMARY
Chapter 6 KEY TERMS
Chapter 7 Introduction
7-1 Measuring and Manipulating Brain and Behavior
7-2 Measuring the Brain's Electrical Activity
7-3 Anatomical Imaging Techniques: CT and MRI
7-4 Functional Brain Imaging
7-5 Chemical and Genetic Measures of Brain and Behavior
7-6 Comparing Neuroscience Research Methods
7-7 Using Animals in Brain-Behavior Research
Chapter 7 SUMMARY
Chapter 7 KEY TERMS
Chapter 8 Introduction
8-1 Three Perspectives on Brain Development
8-2 Neurobiology of Development
8-3 Using Emerging Behaviors to Infer Neural Maturation
8-4 Brain Development and the Environment
8-5 How Do Any of Us Develop a Normal Brain?
Chapter 8 SUMMARY
Chapter 8 KEY TERMS
Chapter 9 Introduction
9-1 Nature of Sensation and Perception
9-2 The Visual System's Functional Anatomy
9-3 Location in the Visual World
9-4 Neuronal Activity
9-5 The Visual Brain in Action
Chapter 9 SUMMARY
Chapter 9 KEY TERMS
Chapter 10 Introduction
10-1 Sound Waves: Stimulus for Audition
10-2 Functional Anatomy of the Auditory System
10-3 Neural Activity and Hearing
10-4 Anatomy of Language and Music
10-5 Auditory Communication in Nonhuman Species
Chapter 10 SUMMARY
Chapter 10 KEY TERMS
Chapter 11 Introduction
11-1 A Hierarchy of Movement Control
11-2 Motor System Organization
11-3 Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum, and Movement
11-4 Somatosensory System Receptors and Pathways
11-5 Exploring the Somatosensory Cortex
Chapter 11 SUMMARY
Chapter 11 KEY TERMS
Chapter 12 Introduction
12-1 Identifying the Causes of Behavior
12-2 The Chemical Senses
12-3 Evolution, Environment, and Behavior
12-4 Neuroanatomy of Motivated and Emotional Behavior
12-5 Control of Regulatory and Nonregulatory Behavior
12-6 Reward
Chapter 12 SUMMARY
Chapter 12 KEY TERMS
Chapter 13 Introduction
13-1 A Clock for All Seasons
13-2 Neural Basis of the Biological Clock
13-3 Sleep Stages and Dreaming
13-4 What Does Sleep Accomplish?
13-5 Neural Bases of Sleep
13-6 Sleep Disorders
13-7 What Does Sleep Tell Us about Consciousness?
Chapter 13 SUMMARY
Chapter 13 KEY TERMS
Chapter 14 Introduction
14-1 Connecting Learning and Memory
14-2 Dissociating Memory Circuits
14-3 Neural Systems Underlying Explicit and Implicit Memories
14-4 Structural Basis of Brain Plasticity
14-5 Recovery from Brain Injury
Chapter 14 SUMMARY
Chapter 14 KEY TERMS
Chapter 15 Introduction
15-1 The Nature of Thought
15-2 Cognition and the Association Cortex
15-3 Expanding Frontiers of Cognitive Neuroscience
15-4 Cerebral Asymmetry in Thinking
15-5 Variations in Cognitive Organization
15-6 Intelligence
15-7 Consciousness
Chapter 15 SUMMARY
Chapter 15 KEY TERMS
Chapter 16 Introduction
16-1 Multidisciplinary Research on Brain and Behavioral Disorders
16-2 Classifying and Treating Brain and Behavioral Disorders
16-3 Understanding and Treating Neurological Disorders
16-4 Understanding and Treating Psychiatric Disorders
16-5 Is Misbehavior Always Bad?
Chapter 16 SUMMARY
Chapter 16 KEY TERMS
Self Test