An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, Fifth Edition, features a wide array of supplemental materials designed exclusively for students and teachers of the text. For more information about any of the items, please visit Worth Publishers’ catalog at

For Students

LaunchPad with LearningCurve Quizzing

A comprehensive Web resource for teaching and learning psychology


to Accompany An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, Fifth Edition, can be previewed and purchased at


An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, Fifth Edition, and can be ordered together with
ISBN 10: 1-319-06192-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-319-06192-0

LaunchPad combines Worth Publishers’ award-winning media with an innovative platform for easy navigation. For students, it is the ultimate online study guide, with rich interactive tutorials, videos, interactive e-Book, and the LearningCurve adaptive quizzing system. For instructors, LaunchPad is a full-course space where class documents can be posted, quizzes are easily assigned and graded, and students’ progress can be assessed and recorded. Whether you are looking for the most effective study tools or a robust platform for an online course, LaunchPad is a powerful way to enhance your class.


LaunchPad for An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, Fifth Edition, includes the following resources:

For Instructors


REVISED! INSTRUCTOR’S RESOURCES This invaluable tool, for new and experienced instructors alike, was revised by Catherine Smith of Carleton University. It includes chapter-by-chapter learning objectives and chapter overviews, detailed lecture outlines, thorough chapter summaries, chapter key terms, in-class demonstrations and activities, springboard topics for discussion and debate, ideas for research and term paper projects, homework assignments and exercises, and suggested readings from journals and periodicals. Course-planning suggestions and a guide to videos and Internet resources also are included. The Instructor’s Resources can be downloaded from Worth’s online catalog at

Assessment Tools

Downloadable Diploma Computerized Test Bank Prepared and revised by Christopher Striemer of Grant MacEwan University, the Test Bank includes a battery of more than 1300 multiple-choice and short-answer test questions, as well as diagram exercises. Each item is keyed to the page in the textbook on which the answer can be found. All the questions have been thoroughly reviewed and edited for accuracy and clarity. The Diploma software allows users to add, edit, scramble, or reorder items. The Test Bank also allows you to export into a variety of formats that are compatible with many Internet-based testing products. For more information on Diploma, please visit The Test Bank files can be downloaded from Worth’s online catalog at


Illustration Slides and Lecture Slides Available for download from, these slides can either be used as they are or customized to fit the needs of your course. There are two sets of slides for each chapter. The Illustration slides feature all the figures, photos, and tables. The Lecture slides, prepared and revised by Matthew Holahan of Carleton University, feature main points of the chapter with selected figures and illustrations.