Investment in physical capital is necessary for long-
According to the savings-investment spending identity, savings and investment spending are always equal for the economy as a whole. The budget balance is equal to public savings, which is sometimes called government savings. When the government runs a budget surplus, public savings is positive and the government is a source of savings. On the other hand, when the government runs a budget deficit, then public savings is negative and the government is a source of dissavings. In a closed economy, national savings, the sum of private savings plus public savings, must be equal to investment spending. In an open economy, national savings can split between two kinds of investment: (domestic) investment spending and net foreign investment. Alternatively, domestic investment can be financed via national savings and/or negative NFI, which represents a net inflow of financial capital from abroad (i.e., in an open economy, the total savings available for investment in any given country, from both domestic and foreign sources, equals investment).
The hypothetical loanable funds market shows how loans from savers are allocated among borrowers with investment spending projects. By showing how gains from trade between lenders and borrowers are maximized, the loanable funds market shows why a well-
In order to evaluate a project in which the return, Y, is realized in the future, you must transform Y into its present value using the interest rate, i. The present value of $1 received one year from now is $1/(1 + i), the amount of money you must lend out today to have $1 one year from now. The present value of a given project rises as the interest rate falls and falls as the interest rate rises. This tells us that the demand curve for loanable funds is downward-
Because neither borrowers nor lenders can know the future inflation rate, loans specify a nominal interest rate rather than a real interest rate. For a given expected future inflation rate, shifts of the demand and supply curves of loanable funds result in changes in the underlying real interest rate, leading to changes in the nominal interest rate. According to the Fisher effect, an increase in expected future inflation raises the nominal interest rate one-
Households invest their current savings and their wealth—their accumulated savings—
Although many small and moderate-
Financial intermediaries—institutions such as mutual funds, pension funds, life insurance companies, and banks—are critical components of the financial system. Mutual funds and pension funds allow small investors to diversify, and life insurance companies reduce risk.
A bank allows individuals to hold liquid bank deposits that are then used to finance illiquid loans. Banks can perform this mismatch because on average only a small fraction of depositors withdraw their funds at any one time. A well-
Asset market fluctuations can be a source of short-
Many market participants and economists believe that, based on actual evidence, financial markets are not as rational as the efficient markets hypothesis claims. Such evidence includes the fact that stock price fluctuations are too great to be driven by fundamentals alone. Policy-