Table : TABLE 20-8 Purchasing Power Parity and the Price of a Big Mac
Big Mac price Local currency per dollar
Country In local
In U.S. dollars Implied PPP Actual
exchange rate
India Rupee 105 1.75 21.90 60.09
China Yuan 16.9 2.73 3.52 6.20
Mexico Peso 42 3.25 8.76 12.93
Britain £ 2.89 4.93 0.60 0.59
United States $4.80 4.80 1.00 1.00
Japan ¥ 370 3.64 77.16 101.53
Euro area € 3.68 4.95 0.77 0.74
Brazil Real 13 5.86 2.71 2.22
Switzerland SFr 6.16 6.83 1.28 0.90