100.7 Engaging Students with Technology

This edition is accompanied by technology that, like the textbook, has been developed to spark student engagement and improve outcomes while offering instructors flexible, high-quality, research-based tools for teaching this course.

Built from the ground up alongside Essentials of Economics, image features the most author-driven and text-specific content of any integrated homework system available. In this edition you will find exciting changes to image , including a collection of new activities designed to augment in-chapter content and features to support student learning.

image for Essentials of Economics Includes

imageThe Complete Essentials of Economics e-Book

imagePre-built units offer instructors and students ready-made units for study with LearningCurve quizzes, e-Book pages, tutorials, and graded homework for every chapter. Units are flexible and easy to adapt or expand to suit individual preferences.


image Adaptive Quizzing
Embraced by students and instructors alike, this incredibly popular and effective adaptive quizzing engine offers individualized question sets and feedback tailored to each student based on correct and incorrect responses. Questions are hyperlinked to relevant e-Book sections, encouraging students to read and use the resources at hand to enrich their understanding.


NEW! Math and Graphing Review
This is a critically important new image resource created by a team of instructors for students who would benefit from a review of basic math and graphing—skills needed to do well in an introductory economics course. It is organized as a series of activities, each with a pre-test question, an animation with patient and clear explanations, and five concluding questions to test comprehension.

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NEW! Student-Centered Activities

We have added three new types of activities to image that are designed to help students practice and master economic concepts.


NEW! Work It Out
These skill-building activities are tutorials that walk students through each step of solving an end-of-chapter problem using choice-specific feedback and video explanations. They are an extension of the end-of-chapter Solved Problems in the textbook, and they have allowed us to double the number of worked-out problems in this edition.


NEW! Economics in Action Activities
Like the in-text feature of the same name, these activities engage students in learning through real-world applications of key economic concepts. In image, the feature is enhanced with assessment and links to outside sources with related data. They also help students apply the concepts they’ve learned and become more comfortable working with data.

imageNEW! Video Activities

A curated collection of video clips from PBS NewsHour are linked to specific chapters and accompanied by multiple-choice assessment questions.