100.8 Provides Instructors with These Resources


Test Bank Fully revised for the Fourth Edition, the Test Bank contains multiple-choice and short-answer questions to help instructors assess students’ comprehension, interpretation, and ability to synthesize.

Graphing Questions Another question bank for instructors building assignments and tests. These are electronically gradable graphing questions that use our own graphing engine. Students are asked to draw graphs in response to a question; their graphs are automatically graded by the software.

End-of-Chapter Problems The in-text end-of-chapter problems have been converted to a multiple-choice format accompanied by answer-specific feedback.

Graded Homework Assignments Each image unit concludes with a pre-built assignment, providing instructors with a curated set of multiple-choice and graphing questions that are easily assigned for graded assessment.


A Gradebook This useful resource offers clear feedback to students and instructors on individual assignments and on performance in the course.

LMS integration Included so that image is easily integrated into a school’s learning management system and that an instructor’s Gradebook and roster are always in sync.

Instructor’s Resource Manual Offers instructors teaching materials and tips to enhance the classroom experience, along with chapter objectives, outlines, and other ideas.

Solutions Manual Prepared by the authors of the text, this manual offers detailed solutions to all of the text’s end-of-chapter problems and the Business Case questions.

Interactive Presentation Slides These brief, interactive, and visually interesting slides are designed to hold students’ attention in class. The slides include graphics and animations that demonstrate key concepts, real-world examples, hyperlinks to relevant outside sources (including videos), and many opportunities for active learning.

Also available for instructors and students, to be used with any text or homework system:

image FlipItEcon.com FlipIt gets students actively involved in learning economics in a fresh way. This resource was developed by two pioneers in active-learning methods—Eric Chiang, Florida Atlantic University, and José Vazquez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Students watch Pre-Lectures and complete Bridge Question assessments before class—helping them prepare so they can be fully engaged in class, and giving instructors data about student comprehension that can inform their lecture preparation.
image Saplinglearning.com Sapling Learning is an online homework system that helps students get better grades with targeted instructional feedback tailored to each individual’s responses. It also helps instructors spend less time preparing for and managing a course by providing personalized classroom support from a PhD- or Master’s-level colleague fully trained in Sapling’s system.
Page xiii

What’s New in This Edition?

A New Chapter Chapter 11, Poverty, Inequality, and the Welfare State
A New Feature Work It Out problems in every chapter
2 Major New Sections Price Discrimination in Chapter 8, Monopoly
Game Theory in Chapter 9, Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition

To teach students about the realities of resource scarcity and the need to make choices, we use fracking and its effects on the market for natural gas as the subject of the opening story for Chapter 3, on supply and demand.

In other cases we pay particular attention to how changes in technology are transforming the economic landscape—discussing the rise of Uber to illustrate market equilibrium, and the use of Smart Grid technology to show the importance of measuring cost.

Example topics illustrate important policy debates, such as the introduction of the Affordable Care Act and the environmental trade-offs of coal-fired versus natural gas-fired power plants. And as always, we integrate a global perspective.

9 New Opening Stories

A Natural Gas Boom, 66

Deck the Halls, 202

The Coming of Obamacare, 315

The Pain in Spain*, 343

Hitting the Breaking Point, 377

Airpocalypse Now*, 407

Funny Money*, 506

The Most Powerful Person in Government, 541

The Everywhere Phone*, 569

10 New Business Cases

An Uber Way to Get a Ride, 172

Shopping Apps, Showrooming, and the Challenges Facing Brick-and-Mortar Retailers, 230

Amazon and Hachette Go to War, 284

Hunting Endangered Animals to Save Them, 341

Welfare State Entrepreneurs*, 342

The Business Cycle and the Decline of Montgomery Ward, 404

Day Labor in the Information Age, 406

How Boeing Got Better, 473

Slow Steaming*, 474

Here Comes the Sun, 566

18 New Economics in Action Applications

Take the Keys, Please, 107

Price Controls in Venezuela*, 116

Crabbing, Quotas, and Saving Lives in Alaska, 128

Smart Grid Economics, 190

Farmers Move Up Their Supply Curves, 216

Why Is Your Broadband So Slow? And Why Does It Cost So Much?*, 249

How Much Does Your Electricity Really Cost?, 291

Long-Term Trends in Income Inequality in the United States, 323

Programs and Poverty in the Great Recession, 327

What Medicaid Does, 334

French Family Values*, 337

Spain’s Costly Surplus*, 356

Is the End of Economic Growth in Sight?*, 418

Why Did Britain Fall Behind?*, 423

The Cost of Limiting Carbon*, 432

Austerity and the Multiplier, 486

Are We Greece?*, 498

How Hong Kong Lost Its Shirts*, 578

*indicates a global example.