Chapter 17. The Day the Lights Went Out at Lehman

EIA Activity: The Day the Lights Went Out at Lehman

[Online Document Assignment:]

EIA Activity: The Day the Lights Went Out at Lehman

Click on the links on the right to answer the following questions.

  1. Question

    Use Link 1 to answer the following questions. True or False: When Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008, this set off a chain reaction of events in the financial markets.


  2. Question

    True or False: Six years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the United States and the United Kingdom engaged in a “war game.”


  3. Question

    True or False: The purpose of a “war game” is to act as a stress test to see how well new regulation rules work both domestically and globally.


  4. Question

    Use Link 2 to answer the following questions. True or False: After Lehman Brothers collapsed, many banks around the world were unwilling to lend to each other, which is why the Federal Reserve offered billions of dollars in loans to these banks.


  5. Question

    True or False: Both the credit markets and the stock market responded well to the Federal Reserve’s decision to loan out billions.


  6. Question

    What is a subprime mortgage? Discuss.

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    What is a subprime mortgage? Discuss.
  7. Question

    Discuss the pros and cons of assets directly tied to real estate.

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    Discuss the pros and cons of assets directly tied to real estate.
  8. Question

    Were there any similarities between Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Bear Sterns? Discuss.

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    Were there any similarities between Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Bear Sterns? Discuss.

<<Settings>> [suggested defaults are bold]

  • Point per question: 1pts for short answer 1pts for multiple choice
  • number of attempts on quiz as a whole: 1 or unlimited?
  • set which score reports to Gradebook: first, most recent, highest, or average
  • Randomize answers (for multiple choice questions only)? Yes or no