Chapter 19. The Little Currency That Could

EIA Activity: The Little Currency That Could

[Online Document Assignment:]

EIA Activity: The Little Currency That Could

Click on the links on the right to answer the following questions.

  1. Question

    Use Link 1 to answer the following questions. True or False: From 1970 to 2014, the unemployment rate in Iceland averaged 5%.


  2. Question

    True or False: Iceland’s highest unemployment rate in the period from 1970 and 2014 was 9.20% in September 2010.


  3. Question

    Use Link 2 to answer the following questions. True or False: From 1998 to 2014, the unemployment rate in Greece averaged 10%.


  4. Question

    True or False: The unemployment rate in Greece reached 28% in September 2013.


  5. Question

    Use Link 3 to answer the following question. True or False: Since the banking crises of 2008, the Krona’s value has been cut in half.


  6. Question

    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a country having its own currency versus sharing a currency with other countries.

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a country having its own currency versus sharing a currency with other countries.

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