Chapter 10. Oysters versus Chicken

EIA Activity: Oysters versus Chicken

Click on the links on the right to answer the following questions.

  1. Question

    Read the short biography on President Herbert Hoover, which includes his famous slogan regarding chicken, in Link 1. Then answer the questions below. True or False: President Herbert Hoover predicted upon accepting his nomination for President of the United States that poverty in the United States was on the decline.


  2. Question

    True or False: The New Deal began shortly after President Hoover became President.


  3. Question

    True or False: High unemployment, low economic growth, and financial instability characterized the Great Depression.


  4. Question

    View the 1920s menus in Link 2 to answer the following question. Some of the food choices offered on a typical 1920s restaurant menu included which of the following?


  5. Question

    Use Link 3 to answer the following question. What is the average price for a chicken sandwich combo at KFC?


  6. Question

    ACME Oyster House in New Orleans has a 15dozen oyster-eating challenge. This website at Link 4 provides a list of who has completed the challenge. Click on the link to answer the following questions. True or False: A total of 90 people have successfully eaten at least 15 dozen oysters at ACME Oyster House.


  7. Question

    True or False: Brad Sciullo, who ate 43 dozen oysters in January 2012, is the current leader of the house.


  8. Question

    Do you prefer to eat oysters or chicken? If you said oysters, how many oysters can you consume before feeling satiated? At what point do you begin to experience diminishing marginal utility? If you said chicken, how much chicken can you consume before feeling satiated? At what point do you begin to experience diminishing marginal utility? Discuss.

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    Do you prefer to eat oysters or chicken? If you said oysters, how many oysters can you consume before feeling satiated? At what point do you begin to experience diminishing marginal utility? If you said chicken, how much chicken can you consume before feeling satiated? At what point do you begin to experience diminishing marginal utility? Discuss.

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