Chapter 15. Any Color, So Long as It’s Black

EIA Activity: Any Color, So Long as It’s Black

Click on the links on the right to answer the following questions.

  1. Question

    Use Link 1 to answer the following question. Which of the following different types of toothpaste are currently on the market in the United States?


  2. Question

    Use Link 2 to answer the following question. Which of the following different types of mouthwash are currently available on the market in the U.S.?


  3. Question

    Use Link 3 to answer the following question. True or False: Ford currently has six different models of car to choose from.


  4. Question

    Use Link 4 to answer the following question. True or False: Ford offers the 2015 Fusion in five different exterior colors.


  5. Question

    When buying either a used or new car, does the exterior color matter to you?

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    When buying either a used or new car, does the exterior color matter to you?
  6. Question

    Do you prefer a vehicle to have leather or cloth seats?

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    Do you prefer a vehicle to have leather or cloth seats?
  7. Question

    What characteristics do you look for in toothpaste?

    Your response will be graded by your instructor.
    What characteristics do you look for in toothpaste?

<<Settings>> [suggested defaults are bold]

  • Point per question: 1pts for short answer 1pts for multiple choice
  • number of attempts on quiz as a whole: 1 or unlimited?
  • set which score reports to Gradebook: first, most recent, highest, or average
  • Randomize answers (for multiple choice questions only)? Yes or no