Click on the links on the right to answer the following questions.
Use Link 1 to answer the following questions. True or False: The total amount of FICA taxes to be paid for each employee are generally 12.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare.
A. |
B. |
True or False: FICA taxes do not have to be reported or paid if wages are above an annual threshold.
A. |
B. |
True or False: In 2012-
A. |
B. |
Some examples of fringe benefits that are excluded from taxable income include:
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
True or False: FUTA stands for Federal Unemployment Tax Act.
A. |
B. |
Visit Link 2 and answer the following question. Do you think Social Security should be privatized? Why or why not? Discuss.
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