Why efforts to collect an inflation tax by printing money can lead to high rates of inflation and hyperinflation
What the Phillips curve is and how it describes the short-
Why there is no long-
Why expansionary policies are limited due to the effects of expected inflation
Why even moderate levels of inflation can be hard to end
Why deflation is a problem for economic policy and leads policy makers to prefer a low but positive inflation rate
Why the nominal interest rate cannot go below the zero bound and the danger a liquidity trap poses
In 2008, the African nation of Zimbabwe achieved a dubious distinction: it exhibited one of the highest inflation rates ever recorded, peaking at around 500 billion percent. Although the government kept introducing ever-
Zimbabwe’s experience was shocking, but not unprecedented. In 1994 the inflation rate in Armenia hit 27,000%. In 1991 Nicaraguan inflation exceeded 60,000%. And Zimbabwe’s experience was more or less matched by history’s most famous example of extreme inflation, which took place in Germany in 1922–
People became so reluctant to hold paper money, which lost value by the hour, that eggs and lumps of coal began to circulate as currency. German firms would pay their workers several times a day so that they could spend their earnings before they lost value (lending new meaning to the term hourly wage). Legend has it that men sitting down at a bar would order two beers at a time, out of fear that the price of a beer would rise before they could order a second round!
The United States has never experienced that kind of inflation. The worst U.S. inflation in modern times took place at the end of the 1970s, when consumer prices were rising at an annual rate of 13%. Yet inflation at even that rate was profoundly troubling to the American public, and the policies the Federal Reserve pursued in order to get U.S. inflation back down to an acceptable rate led to the deepest recession since the Great Depression.
What causes inflation to rise and fall? In this section, we’ll look at the underlying reasons for inflation. We’ll see that the underlying causes of very high inflation, the type of inflation suffered by Zimbabwe, are quite different from the causes of more moderate inflation. We’ll also learn why disinflation, a reduction in the inflation rate, is often very difficult. Finally, we’ll discuss the special problems associated with a falling price level, or deflation.