
1.Imagine a firm that manufactures textiles (pants and shirts). List the four categories of resources, and for each category, give an example of a specific resource that the firm might use to manufacture textiles.

2.Describe some of the opportunity costs of the following choices.

  • a. Attend college instead of taking a job.
  • b. Watch a movie instead of studying for an exam.
  • c. Ride the bus instead of driving your car.

3.Use the concept of opportunity cost to explain the following situations.

  • a. More people choose to get graduate degrees when the job market is poor.
  • b. More people choose to do their own home repairs when the economy is slow and hourly wages are down.
  • c. There are more parks in suburban areas than in urban areas.
  • d. Convenience stores, which have higher prices than supermarkets, cater to busy people.

4.A representative of the U.S. clothing industry recently made this statement: “Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop conditions earning only pennies an hour. American workers are more productive and, as a result, earn higher wages. In order to preserve the dignity of the American workplace, the government should enact legislation banning imports of low-wage Asian clothing.”

  • a. Which parts of this quotation are positive statements? Which parts are normative statements?
  • b. Is the policy that is being advocated consistent with the statement about the wages and productivities of American and Asian workers?
  • c. Would such a policy make some Americans better off without making any other Americans worse off? That is, would this policy be efficient from the viewpoint of all Americans?
  • d. Would low-wage Asian workers benefit from or be hurt by such a policy?

5.Are the following statements true or false? Explain your answers.

  • a. “When people must pay higher taxes on their wage earnings, it reduces their incentive to work” is a positive statement.
  • b. “We should lower taxes to encourage more work” is a positive statement.
  • c. Economics cannot always be used to determine what society ought to do.
  • d. “The system of public education in this country generates greater benefits to society than the cost of running the system” is a normative statement.
  • e. All disagreements among economists are generated by the media.

6.Evaluate this statement: “It is easier to build an economic model that accurately reflects events that have already occurred than to build an economic model to forecast future events.” Do you think that this is true or not? Why? What does this imply about the difficulties of building good economic models?

7.An economist might say that colleges and universities “produce” education, using faculty members and students as inputs. According to this line of reasoning, education is then “consumed” by households.

  • a. Construct a circular-flow diagram to represent the sector of the economy devoted to college education: colleges and universities represent firms, and households both consume education and provide faculty and students to universities. What are the relevant markets in this diagram? What is being bought and sold in each direction?
  • b. Now suppose that the government decided to subsidize 50% of all college students’ tuition. How would this affect the circular-flow diagram that you created in part a?

8.Suppose Atlantis is a small, isolated island in the South Atlantic. The inhabitants grow potatoes and catch fish. The accompanying table shows the maximum annual output combinations of potatoes and fish that can be produced. Obviously, given their limited resources and available technology, as they use more of their resources for potato production, there are fewer resources available for catching fish.

Maximum annual output options Quantity of potatoes (pounds) Quantity of fish (pounds)
A 1,000 0
B 800 300
C 600 500
D 400 600
E 200 650
F 0 675
  • a. Draw a production possibility curve with potatoes on the horizontal axis and fish on the vertical axis, and illustrate these options, showing points A–F.
  • b. Can Atlantis produce 500 pounds of fish and 800 pounds of potatoes? Explain. Where would this point lie relative to the production possibility curve?
  • c. What is the opportunity cost of increasing the annual output of potatoes from 600 to 800 pounds?
  • d. What is the opportunity cost of increasing the annual output of potatoes from 200 to 400 pounds?
  • e. Explain why the answers to parts c and d are not the same. What does this imply about the slope of the production possibility curve?

9.Two important industries on the island of Bermuda are fishing and tourism. According to data from the World Resources Institute and the Bermuda Department of Statistics, in the year 2009 the 306 registered fishermen in Bermuda caught 387 metric tons of marine fish. And the 2,719 people employed by hotels produced 554,400 hotel stays (measured by the number of visitor arrivals). Suppose that this production point is efficient in production. Assume also that the opportunity cost of one additional metric ton of fish is 2,000 hotel stays and that this opportunity cost is constant (the opportunity cost does not change).

  • a. If all 306 registered fishermen were to be employed by hotels (in addition to the 2,719 people already working in hotels), how many hotel stays could Bermuda produce?
  • b. If all 2,719 hotel employees were to become fishermen (in addition to the 306 fishermen already working in the fishing industry), how many metric tons of fish could Bermuda produce?
  • c. Draw a production possibility curve for Bermuda, with fish on the horizontal axis and hotel stays on the vertical axis, and label Bermuda’s actual production point for the year 2009.

10.In the ancient country of Roma, only two goods, spaghetti and meatballs, are produced. There are two tribes in Roma, the Tivoli and the Frivoli. By themselves, the Tivoli each month can produce either 30 pounds of spaghetti and no meatballs, or 50 pounds of meatballs and no spaghetti, or any combination in between. The Frivoli, by themselves, each month can produce 40 pounds of spaghetti and no meatballs, or 30 pounds of meatballs and no spaghetti, or any combination in between.

  • a. Assume that all production possibility curves are straight lines. Draw one diagram showing the monthly production possibility curve for the Tivoli and another showing the monthly production possibility curve for the Frivoli.
  • b. Which tribe has the comparative advantage in spaghetti production? In meatball production?

In a.d. 100, the Frivoli discovered a new technique for making meatballs that doubled the quantity of meatballs they could produce each month.

  • c. Draw the new monthly production possibility curve for the Frivoli.
  • d. After the innovation, which tribe had an absolute advantage in producing meatballs? In producing spaghetti? Which had the comparative advantage in meatball production? In spaghetti production?

11.In recent years, the United States used 124 million acres of land for wheat or corn farming. Of those 124 million acres, farmers used 50 million acres to grow 2.158 billion bushels of wheat, and 74 million acres of land to grow 11.807 billion bushels of corn. Suppose that U.S. wheat and corn farming is efficient in production. At that production point, the opportunity cost of producing one additional bushel of wheat is 1.7 fewer bushels of corn. However, farmers have increasing opportunity costs, so additional bushels of wheat have an opportunity cost greater than 1.7 bushels of corn. For each of the production points described below, decide whether that production point is (i) feasible and efficient in production, (ii) feasible but not efficient in production, (iii) not feasible, or (iv) uncertain as to whether or not it is feasible.

  • a. From their original production point, farmers use 40 million acres of land to produce 1.8 billion bushels of wheat, and they use 60 million acres of land to produce 9 billion bushels of corn. The remaining 24 million acres are left unused.
  • b. From their original production point, farmers transfer 40 million acres of land from corn to wheat production. They now produce 3.158 billion bushels of wheat and 10.107 billion bushels of corn.
  • c. From their original production point, farmers reduce their production of wheat to 2 billion bushels and increase their production of corn to 12.044 billion bushels. Along the production possibility curve, the opportunity cost of going from 11.807 billion bushels of corn to 12.044 billion bushels of corn is 0.666 bushel of wheat per bushel of corn.

12.The Hatfield family lives on the east side of the Hatatoochie River, and the McCoy family lives on the west side. Each family’s diet consists of fried chicken and corn-on-the-cob, and each is self-sufficient, raising their own chickens and growing their own corn. Explain the conditions under which each of the following statements would be true.

  • a. The two families are made better off when the Hatfields specialize in raising chickens, the McCoys specialize in growing corn, and the two families trade.
  • b. The two families are made better off when the McCoys specialize in raising chickens, the Hatfields specialize in growing corn, and the two families trade.

13.According to the U.S. Census Bureau, back in July 2006 the United States exported aircraft worth $1 billion to China and imported aircraft worth only $19,000 from China. During the same month, however, the United States imported $83 million worth of men’s trousers, slacks, and jeans from China but exported only $8,000 worth of trousers, slacks, and jeans to China. Using what you have learned about how trade is determined by comparative advantage, answer the following questions.

  • a. Which country has the comparative advantage in aircraft production? In production of trousers, slacks, and jeans?
  • b. Can you determine which country has the absolute advantage in aircraft production? In production of trousers, slacks, and jeans?

14.Peter Pundit, an economics reporter, states that the European Union (EU) is increasing its productivity very rapidly in all industries. He claims that this productivity advance is so rapid that output from the EU in these industries will soon exceed that of the United States and, as a result, the United States will no longer benefit from trade with the EU.

  • a. Do you think Peter Pundit is correct or not? If not, what do you think is the source of his mistake?
  • b. If the EU and the United States continue to trade, what do you think will characterize the goods that the EU exports to the United States and the goods that the United States exports to the EU?