The meaning of oligopoly, and why it occurs
Why oligopolists have an incentive to act in ways that reduce their combined profit, and why they can benefit from collusion
How our understanding of oligopoly can be enhanced by using game theory, especially the concept of the prisoners’ dilemma
How repeated interactions among oligopolists can help them achieve tacit collusion
How oligopoly works in practice, under the legal constraints of antitrust policy
THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS company Archer Daniels Midland (also known as ADM) has often described itself as “supermarket to the world.” Its name is familiar to many Americans not only because of its important role in the economy but also because of its advertising and sponsorship of public television programs. But on October 25, 1993, ADM itself was on camera.
On that day executives from ADM and its Japanese competitor Ajinomoto met at the Marriott Hotel in Irvine, California, to discuss the market for lysine, an additive used in animal feed. (How is lysine produced? It’s excreted by genetically engineered bacteria.) In this and subsequent meetings, the two companies joined with several other competitors to set targets for the market price of lysine, behavior called price-
What the participants in the meeting didn’t know was that they had a bigger problem: the FBI had bugged the room and was filming them with a hidden camera.
What the companies were doing was illegal. To understand why it was illegal and why the companies were doing it anyway, we need to examine the issues posed by industries that are neither perfectly competitive nor purely monopolistic.
In this section we focus on oligopoly, a type of market structure in which there are only a few producers. As we’ll see, oligopoly is a very important reality—
Although much that we have learned about both perfect competition and monopoly is relevant to oligopoly, oligopoly also raises some entirely new issues. Among other things, firms in an oligopoly are often tempted to engage in the kind of behavior that got ADM, Ajinomoto, and other lysine producers into trouble with the law. Over the past few years, there have been numerous investigations and some convictions for price-
We will begin by examining what oligopoly is and why it is so important. Then we’ll turn to the behavior of oligopolistic industries. Finally, we’ll look at antitrust policy, which is primarily concerned with trying to keep oligopolies “well behaved.’’