An oligopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers. A producer in such an industry is known as an oligopolist.
At the time of that elaborately bugged meeting, no one company controlled the world lysine industry, but there were only a few major producers. An industry with only a few sellers is known as an oligopoly; a firm in such an industry is known as an oligopolist.
When no one firm has a monopoly, but producers nonetheless realize that they can affect market prices, an industry is characterized by imperfect competition.
Oligopolists obviously compete with one another for sales. But neither ADM nor Ajinomoto were like a firm in a perfectly competitive industry, which takes the price at which it can sell its product as given. Each of these firms knew that its decision about how much to produce would affect the market price. That is, like monopolists, each of the firms had some market power. So the competition in this industry wasn’t “perfect.”
Economists refer to a situation in which firms compete but also possess market power—
Although lysine is a multibillion-
It’s important to realize that an oligopoly isn’t necessarily made up of large firms. What matters isn’t size per se; the question is how many competitors there are. When a small town has only two grocery stores, grocery service there is just as much an oligopoly as air shuttle service between New York and Washington.
Why are oligopolies so prevalent? Essentially, oligopoly is the result of the same factors that sometimes produce monopoly, but in somewhat weaker form. Probably the most important source of oligopoly is the existence of increasing returns to scale, which give bigger producers a cost advantage over smaller ones. When these effects are very strong, they lead to monopoly; when they are not that strong, they lead to an industry with a small number of firms.
For example, larger grocery stores typically have lower costs than smaller ones. But the advantages of large scale taper off once grocery stores are reasonably large, which is why two or three stores often survive in small towns.
If oligopoly is so common, why has most of this book focused on competition in industries where the number of sellers is very large? And why did we study monopoly, which is relatively uncommon, first? The answer has two parts.
First, much of what we learn from the study of perfectly competitive markets—
Is It an Oligopoly or Not?
In practice, it is not always easy to determine an industry’s market structure just by looking at the number of sellers. Many oligopolistic industries contain a number of small “niche” producers, which don’t really compete with the major players. For example, the U.S. airline industry includes a number of regional airlines like New Mexico Airlines, which flies propeller planes between Albuquerque and Carlsbad, New Mexico; if you count these carriers, the U.S. airline industry contains nearly a hundred sellers, which doesn’t sound like competition among a small group. But there are only a handful of national competitors like American and United, and on many routes, as we’ve seen, there are only two or three competitors.
To get a better picture of market structure, economists often use a measure called the Herfindahl-
HHI = 602 + 252 + 152 = 4,450
By squaring each market share, the HHI calculation produces numbers that are much larger when a larger share of an industry output is dominated by fewer firms. So it’s a better measure of just how concentrated the industry is. This is confirmed by the data in Table 14-1. Here, the indexes for industries dominated by a small number of firms, like the personal computer operating systems industry or the wide-
The HHI for Some Oligopolistic Industries
Industry |
Largest firms |
PC microprocessor |
6,190 |
Intel, AMD |
Aircraft |
5,008 |
Boeing, Airbus |
Operating systems |
4,809 |
Windows, MacOS, Linux |
Smartphone O.S. |
4,326 |
Android, Apple |
Warehouse stores |
3,730 |
Costco, Sam’s Club |
Game consoles |
3,706 |
Nintendo, Xbox, Playstation |
Cell phone carriers |
2,768 |
Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T- |
Tablets |
2,306 |
Apple, Samsung, Amazon ASUS |
Diamonds |
2,029 |
De Beers, Alrosa, Rio Tinto |
Automobiles |
1,131 |
GM, Ford, Toyota, Chrysler, Honda, Nissan |
Sources:;;; Neilson; Reuters; Forbes; Edmunds Auto. |
The HHI is used by the U.S. Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission, which have the job of enforcing antitrust policy, a topic we’ll investigate in more detail later in this chapter. Their mission is to try to ensure that there is adequate competition in an industry by prosecuting price-
According to Justice Department guidelines, an HHI below 1,500 indicates a strongly competitive market, between 1,500 and 2,500 indicates a somewhat competitive market, and over 2,500 indicates an oligopoly. In an industry with an HHI over 1,500, a merger that results in a significant increase in the HHI will receive special scrutiny and is likely to be disallowed.
However, defining an industry can be tricky. In 2007, Whole Foods and Wild Oats, two purveyors of high-
However, this ruling was appealed to a federal court, which found the merger allowable since regular supermarkets now carried organic foods as well, arguing that they would provide sufficient competition after the merger. Yet, in 2011, the Justice Department disallowed the merger between cell-
In addition to perfect competition and monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition are also important types of market structure. They are forms of imperfect competition.
Oligopoly is a common market structure, one in which there are only a few firms, called oligopolists, in the industry. It arises from the same forces that lead to monopoly, except in weaker form.
The Herfindahl-
Explain why each of the following industries is an oligopoly, not a perfectly competitive industry.
The world oil industry, where a few countries near the Persian Gulf control much of the world’s oil reserves
The microprocessor industry, where two firms, Intel and its bitter rival AMD, dominate the technology
The wide-
The accompanying table shows the market shares for search engines in 2013.
Search engine |
Market share |
67% |
Bing |
18 |
Yahoo! |
11 |
Ask |
3 |
1 |
Solutions appear at back of book. |
Calculate the HHI in this industry.
If Yahoo! and Bing were to merge, what would the HHI be?
Solutions appear at back of book.