Reading Comprehension Quiz (Sherman Alexie, “Superman and Me”)
Reading Comprehension Quiz
Sherman Alexie, “Superman and Me”
Read “Superman and Me” and check your comprehension by answering the following questions. Click the submit button when finished.
Where does Sherman Alexie get the Superman comic that helps him to learn to read?
1. Where does Sherman Alexie get the Superman comic that helps him to learn to read?
Why does Alexie describe his family as being “middle-class, by reservation standards”?
2. Why does Alexie describe his family as being “middle-class, by reservation standards”?
According to Alexie’s discovery as a child, what purpose did paragraphs serve in writing?
3. According to Alexie’s discovery as a child, what purpose did paragraphs serve in writing?
Why is it ironic that Alexie’s father enjoyed reading Western novels?
4. Why is it ironic that Alexie’s father enjoyed reading Western novels?
In paragraph 6, Alexie describes life for him in school. How might his life during this time be described?
5. In paragraph 6, Alexie describes life for him in school. How might his life during this time be described?
What purpose did reading serve for Alexie when he was growing up?
6. What purpose did reading serve for Alexie when he was growing up?
What job did Alexie believe he was destined for as an adult?
7. What job did Alexie believe he was destined for as an adult?
Alexie writes that he “throws his weight against their locked doors.” To whom is he referring?
8. Alexie writes that he “throws his weight against their locked doors.” To whom is he referring?