Reading Comprehension Quiz (Rick Reilly, “Why I Love My Job”)
Reading Comprehension Quiz
Rick Reilly, “Why I Love My Job”
Read “Why I Love My Job” and check your comprehension by answering the following questions. Click the submit button when finished.
What does Reilly’s journalism professor insinuate about sports journalism to the young Reilly in paragraph 1?
1. What does Reilly’s journalism professor insinuate about sports journalism to the young Reilly in paragraph 1?
Who is the intended audience for this article?
2. Who is the intended audience for this article?
Where does Reilly acknowledge the opposing argument in this essay?
3. Where does Reilly acknowledge the opposing argument in this essay?
In paragraph 4, Reilly writes “Sports is Oprah for guys.” What is Reilly most likely trying to suggest about sports?
4. In paragraph 4, Reilly writes “Sports is Oprah for guys.” What is Reilly most likely trying to suggest about sports?
What is the best thesis for Reilly’s article?
5. What is the best thesis for Reilly’s article?
Beyond his writing for ESPN: The Magazine, how does Reilly establish his credibility in this article?
6. Beyond his writing for ESPN: The Magazine, how does Reilly establish his credibility in this article?
How might the last line of the essay be interpreted?
7. How might the last line of the essay be interpreted?
Reilly uses what type of evidence to support his argument?
8. Reilly uses what type of evidence to support his argument?