Exploring the Text

  1. What is the perspective of the viewer? Where are the participants in the painting looking? As a viewer, do you feel you are an observer or a participant in the community depicted in the painting? Why?


    Chapter 6 - Freedom from Want - Exploring the Text: What is the perspective of the viewer? Where are the participants in the painting looking? As a viewer, do you feel you are an observer or a participant in the community depicted in the painting? Why?
  2. How does the painting embody the descriptors Roosevelt used—“healthy” and “peacetime”?


    Chapter 6 - Freedom from Want - Exploring the Text: How does the painting embody the descriptors Roosevelt used—“healthy” and “peacetime”?
  3. In the 1940s, who would likely have felt included in the world shown in this painting? Who might have felt excluded? How does the composition of the image contribute to your thinking on this issue?


    Chapter 6 - Freedom from Want - Exploring the Text: In the 1940s, who would likely have felt included in the world shown in this painting? Who might have felt excluded? How does the composition of the image contribute to your thinking on this issue?
  4. Was Rockwell successful in depicting Roosevelt’s vision of “economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world”? Explain.


    Chapter 6 - Freedom from Want - Exploring the Text: Was Rockwell successful in depicting Roosevelt’s vision of “economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world”? Explain.