Exploring the Text

  1. What rhetorical effect does the “fairy tale” opening “Once upon a time . . .” have?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: What rhetorical effect does the “fairy tale” opening “Once upon a time . . .” have?
  2. What is the major implication developed in the first paragraph?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: What is the major implication developed in the first paragraph?
  3. As Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt develop their essay, they use a great deal of quantification. Note three particular examples. How does their use of numbers affect their argument?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: As Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt develop their essay, they use a great deal of quantification. Note three particular examples. How does their use of numbers affect their argument?
  4. What is the nature of the appeals in Paul F.’s typewritten notes (para. 13)?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: What is the nature of the appeals in Paul F.’s typewritten notes (para. 13)?
  5. What do the writers mean by the phrase “the nuanced social calculus of theft” (para. 15)?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: What do the writers mean by the phrase “the nuanced social calculus of theft” (para. 15)?
  6. Find and explain an example of humor. How does the humor affect the argument developed by the authors?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: Find and explain an example of humor. How does the humor affect the argument developed by the authors?
  7. Of the two predictors presented in paragraph 18, which do you think is the more compelling? Also, which deterrent do you think would be stronger—the fear of being caught or the shame associated with the crime?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: Of the two predictors presented in paragraph 18, which do you think is the more compelling? Also, which deterrent do you think would be stronger—the fear of being caught or the shame associated with the crime?
  8. According to the authors, what is the difference between macro and micro trends as they apply to payment for bagels? Do you find the authors’ position compelling? Why or why not?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: According to the authors, what is the difference between macro and micro trends as they apply to payment for bagels? Do you find the authors’ position compelling? Why or why not?
  9. Do you agree with the way that Dubner and Levitt characterize “honest people” and “cheaters”? Explain.


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: Do you agree with the way that Dubner and Levitt characterize “honest people” and “cheaters”? Explain.
  10. Identify the point where the essay moves toward conclusion. Explain the appeal the writers use there. What is its effect on the reader?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: Identify the point where the essay moves toward conclusion. Explain the appeal the writers use there. What is its effect on the reader?
  11. How does the story of Gyges (paras. 26–27) contribute to the piece as a whole? Do you find it to be an effective conclusion?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: How does the story of Gyges (paras. 26–27) contribute to the piece as a whole? Do you find it to be an effective conclusion?
  12. In summary, what, exactly, was it that “the bagel man saw”? How does that relate to the economy as a whole?


    Chapter 7 - What the Bagel Man Saw - Exploring the Text: In summary, what, exactly, was it that “the bagel man saw”? How does that relate to the economy as a whole?