Entering the Conversation

As you respond to the following prompts, support your argument with references to at least three sources in this Conversation on materialism in American culture. For help using sources, see Chapter 4.

  1. Write an essay identifying the major issues discussed in the selections and taking a position on what you view as the most important idea. Which of the selections most nearly share a perspective on the topic? Which ones most obviously present opposing positions?


    Chapter 7 - Entering the Conversation: Write an essay identifying the major issues discussed in the selections and taking a position on what you view as the most important idea. Which of the selections most nearly share a perspective on the topic? Which ones most obviously present opposing positions?
  2. Paraphrase the basic argument advanced by John Kenneth Galbraith (p. 478). Then, in an essay in which you refer to three of the other selections in the Conversation, carefully support, refute, or qualify his position.


    Chapter 7 - Entering the Conversation: Paraphrase the basic argument advanced by John Kenneth Galbraith (p. 478). Then, in an essay in which you refer to three of the other selections in the Conversation, carefully support, refute, or qualify his position.
  3. Are Americans overly materialistic? Or is such a claim too simplistic? Which of the writers in the Conversation would agree with either position? What is your position? Write an essay that answers that question, using as sources at least three of the selections in the Conversation.


    Chapter 7 - Entering the Conversation: Are Americans overly materialistic? Or is such a claim too simplistic? Which of the writers in the Conversation would agree with either position? What is your position? Write an essay that answers that question, using as sources at least three of the selections in the Conversation.
  4. You have read Smith’s response to Schor. Now write an answer from Schor to Smith. Quote at least two other voices from the chapter in your response.


    Chapter 7 - Entering the Conversation: You have read Smith’s response to Schor. Now write an answer from Schor to Smith. Quote at least two other voices from the chapter in your response.
  5. In “Economy,” Thoreau writes, “Most of the luxuries, and many of the so called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hinderances to the elevation of mankind” (para. 4). He also poses two questions that address both microeconomics and macroeconomics: “What is the nature of the luxury which enervates and destroys nations?” and “Are we sure there is none of it in our own lives?” (para. 4). Write an essay in which you take a position on his first statement and also answer the questions that he poses. Refer to other selections in the chapter as well as to your own observations and experience as you develop your essay.


    Chapter 7 - Entering the Conversation: In “Economy,” Thoreau writes, “Most of the luxuries, and many of the so called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hinderances to the elevation of mankind” (para. 4). He also poses two questions that address both microeconomics and macroeconomics: “What is the nature of the luxury which enervates and destroys nations?” and “Are we sure there is none of it in our own lives?” (para. 4). Write an essay in which you take a position on his first statement and also answer the questions that he poses. Refer to other selections in the chapter as well as to your own observations and experience as you develop your essay.