Exploring the Text

  1. What is the effect of opening the essay with elaborate descriptions of the women’s appearance?


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: What is the effect of opening the essay with elaborate descriptions of the women’s appearance?
  2. Do Deborah Tannen’s references to her personal experiences strengthen or weaken the argument about marked versus unmarked people? Explain.


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: Do Deborah Tannen’s references to her personal experiences strengthen or weaken the argument about marked versus unmarked people? Explain.
  3. What is the effect of Tannen’s turning to “biological explanations of gender differences in language” (para. 24)? Does this discussion support or challenge her thesis about marked women?


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: What is the effect of Tannen’s turning to “biological explanations of gender differences in language” (para. 24)? Does this discussion support or challenge her thesis about marked women?
  4. In paragraph 32, what is the impact of Tannen’s presenting the television anecdote as a conversation rather than a straight narrative?


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: In paragraph 32, what is the impact of Tannen’s presenting the television anecdote as a conversation rather than a straight narrative?
  5. Identify examples of subjective description, technical explanation, personal opinion, and argumentative conclusions in the essay. How effective is Tannen in embedding a technical analysis into a social commentary? Discuss.


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: Identify examples of subjective description, technical explanation, personal opinion, and argumentative conclusions in the essay. How effective is Tannen in embedding a technical analysis into a social commentary? Discuss.
  6. Tannen uses the framing, or envelope, technique—opening and closing an essay with the same reference, quotation, or anecdote. What effect does this have?


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: Tannen uses the framing, or envelope, technique—opening and closing an essay with the same reference, quotation, or anecdote. What effect does this have?
  7. Tannen wrote this essay in 1993. Is it outdated, or is it even more relevant today? Consider her thesis in light of other cultures or ethnicities or time periods. In a country where women’s choices in dress are restricted by social mores, for example, is Tannen’s claim applicable?


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: Tannen wrote this essay in 1993. Is it outdated, or is it even more relevant today? Consider her thesis in light of other cultures or ethnicities or time periods. In a country where women’s choices in dress are restricted by social mores, for example, is Tannen’s claim applicable?
  8. In the last paragraph, Tannen argues that women should have the “freedom to be unmarked.” What does she mean by this? Do you think an unmarked woman is possible in our culture today?


    Chapter 8 - There Is No Unmarked Woman - Exploring the Text: In the last paragraph, Tannen argues that women should have the “freedom to be unmarked.” What does she mean by this? Do you think an unmarked woman is possible in our culture today?