
  1. Rebecca Walker focuses on her own son as she develops her thesis. Is doing so an effective strategy to reach her audience? Explain whether the addition of quantitative evidence would have strengthened or weakened the introduction. As you develop your response, take into account what you believe Walker’s purpose is.


    Chapter 8 - 4. Putting Down the Gun - Questions: Rebecca Walker focuses on her own son as she develops her thesis. Is doing so an effective strategy to reach her audience? Explain whether the addition of quantitative evidence would have strengthened or weakened the introduction. As you develop your response, take into account what you believe Walker’s purpose is.
  2. Do you think the pressure Walker’s son was experiencing was simply standard peer pressure, or do you agree with her that the pressure was tied to gender roles? Explain.


    Chapter 8 - 4. Putting Down the Gun - Questions: Do you think the pressure Walker’s son was experiencing was simply standard peer pressure, or do you agree with her that the pressure was tied to gender roles? Explain.
  3. Do you agree with this statement: “My beautiful boy and every other mother’s beautiful boy had what essentially boiled down to two options: fight actually in sport, or fight virtually on the computer” (para. 13)?


    Chapter 8 - 4. Putting Down the Gun - Questions: Do you agree with this statement: “My beautiful boy and every other mother’s beautiful boy had what essentially boiled down to two options: fight actually in sport, or fight virtually on the computer” (para. 13)?
  4. What does Walker mean by “the cultural imperative” (para. 14)?


    Chapter 8 - 4. Putting Down the Gun - Questions: What does Walker mean by “the cultural imperative” (para. 14)?
  5. Trace the causal links that Walker makes in order to move from the pressure her son feels to participate in competitive sports to her worry that he “was being primed for war” (para. 17). Do you find any faulty linkages in her logic? If so, identify and explain.


    Chapter 8 - 4. Putting Down the Gun - Questions: Trace the causal links that Walker makes in order to move from the pressure her son feels to participate in competitive sports to her worry that he “was being primed for war” (para. 17). Do you find any faulty linkages in her logic? If so, identify and explain.