Think of an example of gender stereotyping that drives you crazy. Perhaps it’s a television or movie character, an incident from the news, or a pop culture personality who seems to play to stereotypical expectations of male or female behavior. Write two paragraphs explaining your outrage. In one, use the first person, singular or plural, so that your identity is front and center; then rewrite it in third person so that your gender is not a part of the voice. Discuss the different effects of the two.
Chapter 8 - EXERCISE 4: Think of an example of gender stereotyping that drives you crazy. Perhaps it’s a television or movie character, an incident from the news, or a pop culture personality who seems to play to stereotypical expectations of male or female behavior. Write two paragraphs explaining your outrage. In one, use the first person, singular or plural, so that your identity is front and center; then rewrite it in third person so that your gender is not a part of the voice. Discuss the different effects of the two.