Suggestions for Writing


Now that you have examined a number of readings and other texts that focus on gender, including gender stereotypes and their consequences, explore one dimension of this topic by synthesizing your own ideas and the readings. You might want to do more research or use readings from other classes as you prepare for the following projects.

  1. From popular magazines and newspapers, collect ads that reflect stereotypes about the roles of men and women, as well as ads that show men and women in a more progressive light. You might work in groups to collect and analyze the ads. Make lists of both kinds of ads. Determine which kinds of products show men and women in stereotyped roles and which show men and women breaking gender stereotypes. Which stereotypes are more common in these ads—stereotypes about women or about men? Then, working individually, write a report that discusses what the ads show about American values, beliefs, and attitudes toward gender roles.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: From popular magazines and newspapers, collect ads that reflect stereotypes about the roles of men and women, as well as ads that show men and women in a more progressive light. You might work in groups to collect and analyze the ads. Make lists of both kinds of ads. Determine which kinds of products show men and women in stereotyped roles and which show men and women breaking gender stereotypes. Which stereotypes are more common in these ads—stereotypes about women or about men? Then, working individually, write a report that discusses what the ads show about American values, beliefs, and attitudes toward gender roles.
  2. Write a personal narrative in which you describe a role that your family or friends expected of you but that you either refused to play or struggled against. Explain the origin and nature of the expectation, as well as your reasons for not wanting to fulfill it. Include a discussion of the reactions you have gotten as you challenged the role or expectation.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: Write a personal narrative in which you describe a role that your family or friends expected of you but that you either refused to play or struggled against. Explain the origin and nature of the expectation, as well as your reasons for not wanting to fulfill it. Include a discussion of the reactions you have gotten as you challenged the role or expectation.
  3. To explore the idea that gender roles are socially constructed rather than biologically determined, do some research into other cultures and times. Report on a role that our society believes is gender-specific (for example, the nurturing mother, the protective male) but that another culture or people from another period viewed quite differently.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: To explore the idea that gender roles are socially constructed rather than biologically determined, do some research into other cultures and times. Report on a role that our society believes is gender-specific (for example, the nurturing mother, the protective male) but that another culture or people from another period viewed quite differently.
  4. The Internet is arguably gender-neutral. When you do not know other users’ background, physical traits, style of dress, and so on, you have to judge them only by their words. Some observers believe that the anonymity of the Internet allows people to move outside of expected gender roles. Does the Internet affect you that way? Are you more willing to be confrontational online, for example? Are you funnier? Does your online voice resemble who you are in person? Write an essay exploring how gender does or does not influence your online communication style.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: The Internet is arguably gender-neutral. When you do not know other users’ background, physical traits, style of dress, and so on, you have to judge them only by their words. Some observers believe that the anonymity of the Internet allows people to move outside of expected gender roles. Does the Internet affect you that way? Are you more willing to be confrontational online, for example? Are you funnier? Does your online voice resemble who you are in person? Write an essay exploring how gender does or does not influence your online communication style.
  5. Write a roundtable conversation that you might have with three authors in this chapter about one of the following quotations:

    The curse of too many women has been that they have this privilege of refuge in the home.   —Pearl Buck

    There are two kinds of spiritual law, two kinds of conscience, one in man and another, altogether different, in women. They do not understand each other.    —Henrik Ibsen

    The discovery is, of course, that “man” and “woman” are fictions, caricatures, cultural constructs. As models they are reductive, totalitarian, inappropriate to human becoming. As roles they are static, demeaning to the female, dead-ended for males and females both.   —Andrea Dworkin

    You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.   —Erica Jong


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: Write a roundtable conversation that you might have with three authors in this chapter about one of the following quotations: The curse of too many women has been that they have this privilege of refuge in the home.   —Pearl Buck There are two kinds of spiritual law, two kinds of conscience, one in man and another, altogether different, in women. They do not understand each other.    —Henrik Ibsen The discovery is, of course, that “man” and “woman” are fictions, caricatures, cultural constructs. As models they are reductive, totalitarian, inappropriate to human becoming. As roles they are static, demeaning to the female, dead-ended for males and females both.   —Andrea Dworkin You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.   —Erica Jong
  6. Examine a popular movie in terms of gender roles, and write about it. In what ways do the characters reflect conventional roles, and in what ways do they step out of those roles?


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: Examine a popular movie in terms of gender roles, and write about it. In what ways do the characters reflect conventional roles, and in what ways do they step out of those roles?
  7. Write a “myth-buster” essay. Take a stereotype based on gender (such as “women are bad drivers” or “men are more prone to violent behavior than women”), and debunk it by conducting research. Use quantitative information as well as anecdotal or personal experience as evidence. Consider how this myth originated and who benefits from perpetuating it.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: Write a “myth-buster” essay. Take a stereotype based on gender (such as “women are bad drivers” or “men are more prone to violent behavior than women”), and debunk it by conducting research. Use quantitative information as well as anecdotal or personal experience as evidence. Consider how this myth originated and who benefits from perpetuating it.
  8. In his book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, John Gray writes, “A man’s sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results . . . . A woman’s sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships.” Write an essay supporting, challenging, or modifying these statements. Use examples from your own experience and selections from this chapter.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: In his book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, John Gray writes, “A man’s sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results . . . . A woman’s sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships.” Write an essay supporting, challenging, or modifying these statements. Use examples from your own experience and selections from this chapter.
  9. Several of the authors in this Conversation on Defining Masculinity raise questions about the reading required in school. Working in groups, develop a list of books the girls like, and one the boys like; then try to reach a consensus on at least two or three selections that both groups find interesting. Write an essay analyzing the process and explaining the results. As part of your inquiry, you might visit


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: Several of the authors in this Conversation on Defining Masculinity raise questions about the reading required in school. Working in groups, develop a list of books the girls like, and one the boys like; then try to reach a consensus on at least two or three selections that both groups find interesting. Write an essay analyzing the process and explaining the results. As part of your inquiry, you might visit
  10. In “Mind over Muscle,” David Brooks asserts: “One thing is for sure: in 30 years the notion that we live in an oppressive patriarchy that discriminates against women will be regarded as a quaint anachronism.” Write an essay explaining why you agree or disagree with Brooks’s prediction.


    Chapter 8 - Suggestions for Writing: In “Mind over Muscle,” David Brooks asserts: “One thing is for sure: in 30 years the notion that we live in an oppressive patriarchy that discriminates against women will be regarded as a quaint anachronism.” Write an essay explaining why you agree or disagree with Brooks’s prediction.