Table : table 50.2 Vitamins in the Human Diet
VitaminSourceFunctionDeficiency symptoms
B1 (thiamin)Liver, legumes, whole grains Coenzyme in cellular respirationBeriberi, loss of appetite, fatigue
B2 (riboflavin)Dairy, meat, eggs, green leafy vegetablesCoenzyme in FAD Lesions in corners of mouth, eye irritation, skin disorders
B3 (niacin)Meat, fowl, liver, yeastCoenzyme in NAD and NADPPellagra, skin disorders, diarrhea, mental disorders
B5 (pantothenic acid)Liver, eggs, yeastFound in acetyl CoAAdrenal problems, reproductive problems
B6 (pyridoxine)Liver, whole grains, dairy foodsCoenzyme in amino acid metabolismAnemia, slow growth, skin problems, convulsions
B7 (biotin)Liver, yeast, bacteria in gutFound in coenzymesSkin problems, loss of hair
B12 (cobalamin)Liver, meat, dairy foods, eggsFormation of nucleic acids, proteins, red blood cellsPernicious anemia
Folic acidVegetables, eggs, liver, whole grainsCoenzyme in formation of heme and nucleotidesAnemia
C (ascorbic acid)Citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoesFormation of connective tissues; antioxidantScurvy, slow healing, poor bone growth
A (retinol)Fruits, vegetables, liver, dairyFound in visual pigmentsNight blindness
D (calciferol)Fortified milk, fish oils, sunshineAbsorption of calcium and phosphateRickets
E (tocopherol)Meat, dairy foods, whole grainsMuscle maintenance, antioxidantAnemia
K (menadione)Intestinal bacteria, liverBlood clottingBlood clotting problems