Instead of gap junctions, plants have plasmodesmata (singular plasmodesma), which are membrane-
The diameter of a plasmodesma is about 6 nm, far larger than a gap junction channel. But the actual space available for diffusion is about the same—
Plasmodesmata are vital in plants because their circulatory transport system, the vascular system, lacks the tiny vessels (capillaries) that many animals have for bringing gases and nutrients to every cell. For instance, simple diffusion from plant cell to cell across cell membranes is inadequate to account for the movement of a plant hormone from the site of production to the site of action. Instead, plants rely on more rapid diffusion through plasmodesmata to ensure that all cells of a tissue respond to a signal at the same time. There are cases in which larger molecules or particles can pass between cells via plasmodesmata. For example, some viruses can move through plasmodesmata by using “movement proteins” to assist their passage.