C3 plants undergo photorespiration but C4 plants do not

Plants differ in how they fix CO2, and can be distinguished as C3 or C4 plants, based on whether the first product of CO2 fixation is a three- or four-carbon molecule. In C3 plants such as roses, wheat, and rice, the first product is the three-carbon molecule 3PG—as we have just described for the Calvin cycle. In these plants the cells of the mesophyll, which makes up the main body of the leaf, are full of chloroplasts containing rubisco (Figure 10.15A). On a hot day, these leaves close their stomata to conserve water, and as a result, rubisco acts as an oxygenase as well as a carboxylase, and photorespiration occurs.

Figure 10.15 Leaf Anatomy of C3 and C4 Plants Carbon dioxide fixation occurs in different organelles and cells of the leaves in (A) C3 plants and (B) C4 plants. Cells that are tinted blue have rubisco.

Activity 10.2 C3 and C4 Leaf Anatomy

C4 plants, which include corn, sugarcane, and tropical grasses, make the four-carbon molecule oxaloacetate as the first product of CO2 fixation (Figure 10.15B). On a hot day, they partially close their stomata to conserve water, but their rate of photosynthesis does not fall. What do they do differently?

C4 plants have evolved a mechanism that increases the concentration of CO2 around the rubisco enzyme while at the same time isolating the rubisco from atmospheric O2. Thus in these plants the carboxylase reaction is favored over the oxygenase reaction; the Calvin cycle operates, but photorespiration does not occur. This mechanism involves the initial fixation of CO2 in the mesophyll cells and then the transfer of the fixed carbon (as a four-carbon molecule) to the bundle sheath cells, where the fixed CO2 is released for use in the Calvin cycle (Figure 10.16). The bundle sheath cells are located in the interior of the leaf where less atmospheric O2 can reach them than reaches cells near the surface of the leaf.

Figure 10.16 The Anatomy and Biochemistry of C4 Carbon Fixation (A) Carbon dioxide is fixed initially in the mesophyll cells but enters the Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath cells. (B) The two cell types share an interconnected biochemical pathway for CO2 assimilation.
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table 10.1 Comparison of Photosynthesis in C3, C4, and CAM Plants
C3 plants C4 plants CAM plants
Calvin cycle used? Yes image Yes image Yes image
Primary CO2 acceptor RuBP PEP PEP
Primary CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco PEP carboxylase PEP carboxylase
First product of CO2 fixation 3PG (3-carbon) Oxaloacetate (4-carbon) Oxaloacetate (4-carbon)
Affinity of primary fixing enzyme for CO2 Moderate High High
Photosynthetic cells of leaf Mesophyll Mesophyll and bundle sheath Mesophyll with large vacuoles
Photorespiration Extensive Minimal Minimal

The first enzyme in this C4 carbon fixation process, called PEP carboxylase, is present in the cytosols of mesophyll cells near the leaf’s surface. This enzyme combines CO2 with a three-carbon acceptor compound, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), to produce the four-carbon fixation product, oxaloacetate. PEP carboxylase has two advantages over rubisco:

  1. It does not have oxygenase activity.

  2. It fixes CO2 even at very low CO2 levels.

So even on a hot day when the stomata are partially closed and the ratio of O2 to CO2 rises, PEP carboxylase just keeps on fixing CO2.

Oxaloacetate is converted to malate, which diffuses out of the mesophyll cells and into the bundle sheath cells (see Figure 10.15B). (Some C4 plants convert the oxaloacetate to aspartate instead of malate, but we will only discuss the malate pathway here.) The bundle sheath cells contain modified chloroplasts that are designed to concentrate CO2 around the rubisco. There, the four-carbon malate loses one carbon (is decarboxylated), forming CO2 and pyruvate. The latter moves back to the mesophyll cells where the three-carbon acceptor compound, PEP, is regenerated at the expense of ATP. So the “expenditure” of ATP in the mesophyll cell “pumps up” the CO2 concentration around rubisco in the bundle sheath cell, ensuring that rubisco will function as a carboxylase and begin the Calvin cycle.

Under relatively cool or cloudy conditions, C3 plants have an advantage over C4 plants in that they don’t expend energy to “pump up” the concentration of CO2 near rubisco. But this advantage begins to be outweighed under conditions that favor photorespiration, such as warmer seasons and climates. Under these conditions C4 plants have the advantage, especially if there is ample light to supply the extra ATP required for C4 photosynthesis. For example, Kentucky bluegrass is a C3 plant that thrives on lawns in April and May. But in the heat of summer it does not do as well, and Bermuda grass, a C4 plant, takes over the lawn. The same is true on a global scale for crops: C3 plants such as soybean, wheat, and barley have been adapted for human food production in temperate climates, whereas C4 plants such as corn and sugarcane originated and are still grown in the tropics.

THE EVOLUTION OF CO2 FIXATION PATHWAYS C3 plants are more ancient than C4 plants. Whereas C3 photosynthesis appears to have begun about 2.5 billion years ago, C4 plants appeared about 12 million years ago. A possible factor in the emergence of the C4 pathway is the decline in atmospheric CO2. When dinosaurs dominated Earth 100 million years ago, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was four times what it is now. As CO2 levels declined thereafter, the C4 plants would have gained an advantage over their C3 counterparts in high-temperature, high-light environments.

As described in the opening of this chapter, atmospheric CO2 levels have been increasing over the past 200 years. Currently, the level of CO2 is not enough for maximal CO2 fixation by rubisco, so photorespiration occurs, reducing the growth rates of C3 plants. Under hot conditions, C4 plants are favored. But if CO2 levels in the atmosphere continue to rise, the reverse will occur and C3 plants will have a comparative advantage. The overall growth rates of crops such as rice and wheat should increase. This may or may not translate into more food, given that other effects of the human-spurred CO2 increase (such as global climate change) will also alter Earth’s ecosystems.